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Tuesday, 11th September

Farrens POV

The next morning I woke up after only a few hours of sleep. It was 8:17am. I wasn't feeling so good that morning, not because I had a stomach bug, or that I was lacking sleep ( which I was ), but I That felt mentally unwell.

I had dealt with depression for my whole life. I had gotten help and even been in rehab when I was 16, but nothing really seemed to help. There was no particular thing that triggered my depression. There were just good days and bad days. I rarely had bad days any more, I truly was getting better I thought. But when I did have bad days, they were bad. I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't eat or even had the energy to speak. Being alone most of the time left me to be like that, but now I had Dom and a work responsibility. I drunk a lot to numb it all, hence the the rehab, but I was just over 6months sober now. I hadn't even had a bad day in over a month, so why now, when I felt I was at my happiest with work and Dom, did a bad day fall?

I had to get dresses, the meeting was at 10am. I threw on a Calvin kleine sports bra, some Adidas pant and some fishnet tights. It was the most simple outfit I owned but today I really didn't feel like dressing up.

(Mind the date stamp lol)

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(Mind the date stamp lol)

I put my hair in a messy bun and only put on foundation to cover my spots and scars. Once I was ready it was about 9:30am. I left the hotel room and walked down to my car. I jumped in the drivers seat and drove to the managers office.

Once I was parked up, I walked inside and up the stairs. I walked through the door and was greeted by Dom and his manager.

'Hey! Glad to hear you got the job, sit'

The manager said pointing to the seat Dom already sat on. I sat down next to Dom, and Dom wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

'So farren, we have a few more tour dates, all which you will be coming on. Travel will be via the tour buss, and your pay will be around $80 an hour'

The manager said. If you didn't know concert photography was a very well paid job, and my pay went as high as $500 an hour for certain performers. If the charge was up to me I would have been doing $150 an hour, but I was willing to do what the offer was for Dom. The whole experience was amazing and more than worth it.

'Yeah, thats fine with me'

I said trying to show a smile, and the manager smiled back at me. For the next few hours we spoke travel, dates, tour, and more. I tried to keep a smile the whole day, and it seemed to work.

After the meeting was over it was about 1pm. I had no plans but knew my bed was the only place i wanted to be. Me and Dom both left the office, we walked to the outside and to my car.

'You need a lift anywhere?'

I asked him.

'Only wherever you going'

He smiled brightly. I smiled back.

'Well I'm going to bed, I'm not feeling to well, but I'm happy for you to spoon me to sleep'

I laughed trying to brighten the mood I set. He giggled and nodded without actually saying anything. We both jumped into the car and I drove to the hotel. Once we were there we both got out the car and walked inside. Before we could even get to the hotels stairs a bunch of girls can running up to us,

'Omg hi we're such big fans!'

One of them spoke

'Can we please get a picture'

The other one spoke

Dom smiled and agreed to take a picture, he spoke with them a while. I wasn't mad, the whole scene was so cute, Dom really cared about his fans. Took his time with them. After about five minutes a passed Dom over a spare key to the room.

'Il meet you up there'

I said not trying to interrupt. I walked myself to the room and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I'd never been self conscious, I was always a very confident lady, and still am. I walked to the bed and tucked myself in, falling asleep within minutes.

I woke up a few hours later. Dom was next to me asleep his hand was placed on top of my head and I assume he was stroking it. His body was tucked around mine, spooning me.

I tried to get out of the bed not waking him up. I walked to the bathroom and looked at the clock, 6;37pm. God that was a long nap. I re brushed my hair and put it back into a bun. I walked out to see Dom still asleep. I admired his sleepy face, it was so adorable. I sat next to him and stroked through his hair. He woke up after a few minutes and smiled at me brushing through his hair with my fingers. I lent down and moved my hand from his hair to his face, and pressed my lips against his.

'Wake up babe, it's like nearly 7pm'

I said standing up and giving him time to wake up properly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

'It's already 7pm! God we slept for ages'

He said standing up. I smiled and took a seat on the table and chairs in my room. He walked over the bathroom and shut the door. He was in there for a minute or so till he came out, more energetic than ever. He basically skipped across the room and bent over me. Then putting his hand out, I took it, only to
Flung up and swung around like a rag doll. I admired his energy and hyper-activism. We jumped around for a few minutes before decided to go out for some tea.

'Food, I want food, where should we go?'

I said hungrily,

'Mmm, Chinese?'

He asked slanting his eyebrow slightly.

'Chinese it is'

I nodded.

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