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T'was the night before Christmas in the Granger-Weasley household. All the children were asleep and the adults were talking downstairs. Harry and Ginny were visiting with their three children, Luna had taken a break from her travels to find long forgotten magical creatures to have Christmas with her family and friends, Neville was also visiting because all his friends were here and not at Hogwarts and Dudley and Draco had long ago made peace with Harry so they were also present.

"It took a lot of research and a lot of gillyweed, but I finally managed to finish my paper that proved the existence of the hippocampus." Luna finished off a long story regarding her travels to Greece. Her glass of fire whiskey sloshed and swirled with her exaggerated gestures. Harry noticed Hermione cast a sly spell on Luna's glass so that she didn't spill anything on the table.

"Anyway now I owe Charlie a trip back to Romania to see the dragons. I thought it would take us a full week to find the creatures but Charlie bet it would take us four days." Luna and Charlie (Ron's brother) were now close friends with their similar interest in magi-zoology.

"How is Charlie anyway? Last I saw of him was that he was having a tea party with mountain giants," Ron said.

"Charlie's great," Luna grinned. "We organised a riot for the rights of giantish people after Charlie stood up in front of the wizarding council and declared the current treatment of giants dehumanizing, cruel and that wizarding people had framed them as animalistic. We probably would have been kicked out if Hermione wasn't there to back us up."

Hermione smiled, "I'm glad you guys are following up on that."

Ron stood up. "I think it's time for some dessert." He left the table and came back shortly with a simple but good looking cake. Ron had picked up a passion for cooking after Mrs Weasley declared that at least one of her children had to pass on her baking skills and Ron was the only one in the house.

There was silence for a while as they all enjoyed Ron's cooking. Dudley broke the silence after about five minutes.

"Did ya hear that me dad's trying to sue the ministry?"

Harry stared. Luna snorted loudly. Neville chortled to himself. Draco choked on his slice of cake.

"What?" Ron exclaimed.

"Oh yes, I heard about that," said Hermione, entirely non-plussed. "I might actually grant him a hearing, just to see what he has to say."

"How exactly is he planning to sue magic?" Draco asked, slightly bemused.

Dudley picked at his piece of cake. "I'm not entirely sure. I think he plans on confronting you, Harry."

Harry grinned. "Imagine that. Vernon Dursley marching up to my house and saying, 'take me to your leader.'"

Ron turned to his wife, " 'Mione, please, you have to grant Dursley a hearing. This is the best thing I've heard since Harry's 'there's no need to call me sir, professor.'"

Hermione rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. "It would be very amusing. I do want to find out what he's backing his claims with," she frowned. "I'd also like to find out what his claims are to begin with."

"Ha. He's gonna get his arse handed to him. Mrs Weasley-Granger is gonna pulverize him, like he deserves." Ron chuckled to himself.

"Don't be a prat, Ronald." Scolded Ginny but she then added a second later, "but he's right."

The conversation came to a close and Neville spoke up.

"Right. I'm absolutely knackered. I'm gonna head off to my hotel. Goodnight."

A chorus of: "night," followed him out the door. Harry started cleaning up the plates, Hermione stood up to help.

"Well I suppose it's getting late, I'll head off too." Draco said.

Dudley stood up, "if everyone is leaving I probably should too."

"Yeah me too." Luna agreed.

"Alright then." Hermione gave Luna a hug and shook Dudley's hand. Harry gave Luna and Dudley a tight hug. Ron said, "cheerio."

Christmas Morning

All the adults and kids were gathered around the Christmas tree for Christmas morning. The children had rushed into the room all at once, excited for presents. However when they reached the tree, there were no piles of presents, there was not one gift in sight. The kids looked confused. Their parents had never failed to make Christmas amazing. The parents exchanged a sly glance. Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door.

"Wow," said Ron loudly as he went to open the door. "I wonder who that is?"

A large, Bulgarian Santa Claus burst through the doorway, a sack of presents over his shoulder. "Who iz wanting presents!" He exclaimed.

The children grinned and ran over to him. 

"Uncle Viktor!" Yelled Ron Jr.

Viktor placed the bag on the floor under the tree and told the kids to enjoy. Hermione rushed up and hugged Viktor Krum and was about to ask him how he was but was interrupted by Ron practically leaping into Viktor's arms. While Viktor was pre-occupied with an arm-full of Ronald Weasley, Hermione moved on to greet Fleur and Bill who slipped through the door, Luna closely following behind. 

"Hello again Hermione!" Fleur smiled and passed her a small gift. "From me and Bill."

Bill grinned and hugged Hermione, "How have you and young Ronald been?"

"Ron will not stop making hot chocolate but that hasn't proved much of a problem to the kids." Hermione answered. 

Bill turned to Luna, "and you, Luna? How was Hanukkah?"

Luna gave an airy smile, "dad and I celebrated it together which was nice, Ron and Ginny kindly came over and helped me make kugel."

Anyway they all celebrated together and had a good time. I'm going to stop writing now because I got bored. Have a nice time. I don't know what this fic is anymore but I hope someone enjoys it. Bye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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