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Roger's POV

"The best?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly at the man's words.

"Definitely." He smiled widely as he said this, showing all of his perfectly white, straight teeth. "So? Do you want to join Smile or not?" He asked me.

"Oh! Yes, for sure!"

"Great! I should go back to my house to let Tim know... In fact, would you like to come with me?"

"I would love to"

I payed for my news paper at the till and walked out into the fresh morning breeze once again, but this time following behind Brian as he led me to his house. It wasn't a far walk, probably about the same distance from the shop to my apartment, however I'd never ventured to these particular streets before. Every house looked to be in perfect condition, including Brian's, which I admired as we strolled down the path and to the front door, which he then unlocked and swung open to reveal a beautifully decorated interior along with a seemingly drunk Tim slumped across the sofa.

"Uh.. Hi Tim" I said sheepishly.

Tim slowly turned to look at me, revealing his blood shot eyes, and then grunted, clearly displeased at my arrival.

"Tim! Why the fuck are you drunk? It's not even nine in the fucking morning!" Brian scolded.

"I- got boredddd babyyy" Tim replied, slurring his words.


Brian walked over to him, a stern look on his face. "I was only gone for a couple of hours. Hey, and I came back with our new drummer! Remember Roger?" He gestured to me and the drunk man shot me an angry glare.

"Nice to see you too, Tim" I replied sarcastically.

"Let me get you some water, Tim. And you, Roger, do you want anything?" Brian asked, trying to lighten the mood with the friendly tone of his voice.

"Just some water would be great thanks."

Brian filled two glasses of water in the sink before passing one to me and one to Tim.

I sat down in the large chair opposite Brian who sat on the sofa next to the man who, after about half an hour of talking about our new band, had started to sober up a little.

Out of nowhere, Tim leant in towards the curly haired brunette and pressed their lips together, trying to slide his tongue into his mouth.

I gasped quietly, but it proved loud enough for Brian to hear when he pulled away. "Not now babe, we have a guest."

"Mmm.. Well if he doesn't like it then he can leave." The couple both directed their eyes towards me to see if I was going to get up, which I didn't despite the fact that anyone making out in front of me whilst I had nothing else to do but twiddle my thumbs made me uncomfortable. Tim leaned in again, connecting their lips together again, and this time Brian joined in.

Thankfully, I remembered that I had bought today's paper this morning and, desperately wanting something to do, I hastily jumped up and hurried over to the kitchen counter, where I had left it.

I sat back down on the large, comfy chair, not diverting my eyes from what I was reading incase either of my new band members thought I was watching their snogging session.

I could barely focus on the latest news as all I could hear was the two of them sloppily making out and it didn't take long before my frustration got the better of me.

"So.. " I inturrupted, looking up from my paper. "You two are together then?"

There was a moments pause as they pulled away from each other, a string of saliva attached to each of their mouths which they quickly wiped away.

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