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“So what is your purpose on calling me?”

I swear Ellen sounds a bit irritated. Wow, it might be the worst day of my life. Just hope to God it is not.

She always has that good words to ruin all happy days. What a beautiful love.

We are now in a little fancy café we love so much that we spent almost all dates here.

Wow, such a not-so-romantic couple we are.

Or maybe we are not romantic at all.

It is barely crowded at all. Only three seats had been taken―four, with mine. One in the far corner, with a huge newspaper companied it along with an old bald man―mind you, I noticed the newspaper first and almost freaked out about flying newspaper when I realized the tiny old man holding the newspaper. Other seat that had been companied is in the middle of the room, by a group of loud mean girls talking about everything. The last seat is the bar seat, where there sits a hot guy―note it, I said it in the straightest way possible―flirting to the shop keeper. And note this in your mind, the shop keeper is Nathan. Yeah. A guy. A real guy. And this random hot guy is currently talking―flirting―to him.

Life is adventure.

And then here I am, sitting across a now-in-period monster named Ellen next to the window. I decide to look outside, it’s better than looking at a currently-in-period girlfriend.

Well?” she demands. I gulp and look back at her. She looks so bored. I should’ve checked her period time before decided what time is the best.

But now I have no turning back.

Flashback, Ellen is always my friend. We knew each other before we were even born I don’t even know if it is possible. Then, years ago, I confessed my goddamn feeling to this beautiful creature―that I’m freaking in love with her―and she laughed. I was like what the hell Ellen I’m not joking around can you not but then she told me she love me too so we ended up being a couple.

Mom and Dad and Ellen’s Mom and Ellen’s Dad and Derek and Zach and Tania and Sylvia and who-are-them-I-forgot laughed when we told them we were dating. “Oh my God, Carter, you’ve been in love with Ellen for like a thousand years and why didn’t you confess to her earlier?” Mom had said once.

“I don’t want to be rejected by evil,” I had replied and got nudged by my lovely Ellen.

But just it. Well, what a beautiful love story we have here.

And now, it’s been years and I know we are meant to be. I love Ellen, Ellen loves me. We both are in love with each other. So, why not? Let’s have a commitment. That is why I’m here, about to engage Ellen.

In the worst time ever exists.


If Ellen rejects me I’ll cry a river and cry a river and cry a river and cry a river―

But, oh, come on, Carter. Since when you’re so crybaby stop that.

Now or never, that’s what I’m thinking about. So, okay, wish me luck.

I shove my hand to my pocket, finding the ring. I start a speech; the speech I had always practiced in front of my mirror with make up and wig on so I looked like Ellen―note this, weird and scariest and creepiest and most horrible and most terrifying Ellen ever exist―and pretended to talk to this girl, “Ellen Gray, we’ve been together for like three years or so,” that’s how I start it. She simply nods at me, so I continue, “We’ve known each other for like our entire life, and we’ve been together for years. And now I realized something, you are my eternity.

“You were my past, you are my now, you are my future, you are my entire life, and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Despites any cruelty and imperfections of the world, I want to be you to make my cruel world a peace, to make a perfection of the imperfect world.

“So, here, in the place where we spent lots of time together, I want to ask you something,” I took the box of a ring and open it, showing the ring to Ellen. That’s it, final. “Ellen Gray, will you marry me?”

I offer the ring while mentally screaming come on Ellen, just accept me. This is so weird I can’t understand and I don’t know anymore and if you reject me it will be ultimately embarrassing I can’t even.

I literally want to just put the ring on her finger forcefully and stuff and I just want her to be mine, but it will be ridiculous if I force her. So... let me just wait and wait and wait and wait until she says yes and wait and wait and wait and wait and wa―

“Not that easy.”

God damn it.

Ellen can you please just don’t.

Ellen Gray, I love you, I know I love you, I genuinely love you, I always remember that I love you, but can you not.

Play Rude from Magic as my background music because I just want to.

Yes, this is so rude.

Someone needs to remind me why the hell did I fall for this queen of devil.

I look into her eyes with genuine desperation, hoping she would smirk smugly and be like oh my, Carter, that was a joke! Don’t be so sad and wink wonk at me. But God, I only find seriousness in her gaze. Don’t tell me I’m literally rejected because if I am then I don’t know how to stay alive.

“Why―” I feel my throat dry. Like my throat is Savannah or any kind deserts where camels can’t even live there too.

Ellen folds her perfect arms in front of her chest, leaning back. “First of all,” she started. I sit back, listening carefully. “Ellen Williams doesn’t sound better than Ellen Gray.”


Ellen Gray Soon-To-Be-Williams, can you please not. Have you guys ever be so done with your own girlfriend? Because I am.

“What a lame excuse,” I muttered ironically. “Don’t blame me for being born as a Williams.”

You are lame. Don’t blame me for being born as an Ellen. I was born this way,” she retorts. First thought comes to my mind, why does she describe her name being hers as ‘born this way’? It actually reminds me a hella lot about Nathan when we found out he’s gay. What? I was born this way, he had said once when we found him kissing a guy in the café. Whatever, myself. “And my name is so fabulous compared to yours.”

“Thank you so much,” I drawl sarcastically.

“Whatever,” she says. And then, “But you still have got your chance to marry me, tho.”

My eyes widen. Whoa, can I???????

As if Ellen can read my mind, she nods. “But after all, you’re full of bullishits so I can’t just waltz around believing you on every single thing.”

I roll my eyes.

“So, here is how to convince me,” she says with a hushed voice as if about to tell the world’s greatest secret. Ellen, can you just stop. She leans in to me with the most mischievous smirk and looks into my eyes with some kind of emotion I know she always has when she has something not nice planned neatly.

I groan, knowing it won’t be good. “What?”

“You have to write down,” she starts, “Twenty reasons why you love me.”

I always know Ellen is a devil disguising as human.

All The Reason I Know [#JustWriteIt]Where stories live. Discover now