Reason Four

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The alarm rings.

Holy, I wish I can still sleep now.

I crawl and half-heartedly turn off the dumb alarm. Then fall asleep again.


I take my usual 'five more minutes' before actually getting up. So lazy.

Today is Monday which everyone knows it is the day invented by devil. I always hate Monday. So does Ellen. Which is why I think it would be better if I don't have to stumble into her.

Actually, everybody hates Monday. Zach hates it. Tania hates it. Syl hates it. Even Casper hates it. Casper always is ridiculously annoying on Monday he can break everything in a second.

But there is this anomaly where a person loves Monday so much. The anomaly is called Derek. Yes, Derek Martin. That weird guy loves Monday so much it annoys me a lot.

Especially the fact that I'll always have to see him every weekdays.

I get up and get ready. Today I have to work, and yes, I meet Derek everyday at work. Yes, we work in the same place. Only the two of us. The other get different jobs in different places. Ellen is a new writer who has published one book which is fantasy that contains no romance. Tania is a new designer who has a small boutique nearby. Sylvia is a secretary working in other office. Zach own an auto-body shop nearby. Derek and I work in an offiice a bit farther than Sylvia's. Of all of us, I suppose I spend most time with Derek yet me and Derek never really get along. No, I honestly like him, but we rarely talk a lot. Except some good morning and happy Monday greet, we rarely talk because Derek spend most of his time working. While me? Well, I work too, but I don't work as hard as Derek because why should I? My boss is so dumb. He treats females differently with males. Like, how should I say it? He acts nicely to females, but not to males and it's just dumb.

But whatever.

I walk out of my apartment and―oh, well, yes. I live in an apartment. I'm currently saving money for buying a house, but well. I still live in an apartment.―and I see, as expected, Derek Martin in his working outfit in front of my apartment, head tilting down and eyes focusing into his phone.

I don't understand how but Derek and I end up leaving for work together. How it happens? Well, right after Derek found out I work in the same place as he is, Derek went along to me and ask, "Will you go with me?" and at first I thought he was confessing his love and that was so gay and I be like, "What the fuck Derek," and then he explained how he want someone to accompany him to work yet no one go that far and then I realized he mean going for work so I said well, okay, what's wrong with it? And now I honestly regret it. Seriously, his I love Monday attitude makes me want to punch his perfect nose.

As soon as he notices me, his lips smile. He puts his cell back to his pocket and approaches me. "Morning, Carter," he greets, patting my shoulder. "Happy Monday."


Who would waste their time to say a Happy Monday when Monday itself is invented by evils. No. Just no. Can't he just say Sad Monday because oh God.

Instead, I mutter to him, "Morning," and that sounds like a growl. Yes, I don't say good morning because what is so good about morning? Lots of people hate morning. Maybe all people hate morning. Except Derek. I've said it he is an anomaly. He is the anomaly of anomaly.


Derek wraps one of his arms around my neck and laughs. "What's wrong, Carter? You are in period, huh?" he asks playfully and drags me away. I sigh and just follow him without even bother to take off his hand from around my neck. Yes, we walk together side by side wearing our working outfits, his arm around my neck. We look like a gay couple. I need to find a life.

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