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For the past few days, Yoongi and Jimin haven't talked very much. They still slept in Jimin's bed together to keep warm though. Yoongi was starting to get worried. He didn't know if he had done something wrong. After  deciding to talk to Jimin, he went to find Jimin. Yoongi checked his room first. Jimin was sat on his bed on his phone. "Jimin?" Yoongi called out softly. Said boy snapped his head up.
"can we t-talk?" his voice came out shaky.

"sure what do you want to talk about?" As Jimin spoke, Yoongi went and sat next to him.

"w-why aren't you talking to me? Have I done something wrong?" Yoongi asked worried.

"why would you of done something wrong? It's just I was confused about something." Jimin said.

"what are you confused about?" his voice came smaller than he expected.

"I-I umm how I f-feel a-about u-us. I think I like you?" Jimin's answer came out more like a question. He didn't really know for sure but he felt like this with his other crush's.

"what does that feel like?" Yoongi hadn't liked someone before. He didn't know what it was like.

Jimin hesitated a bit before speaking
" you get a fuzzy feeling in your stomach when your with them. They make you happy. Your heart flutters at small gestures like you touching or holding hands or hugs. You think everything about them is perfect. They are never at fault in your eyes. You just want them to be happy. And that's how I feel like with you." Yoongi slowly nodded as he processed all the new knowledge.

"oh that's how I feel about you too!" was happy they felt the same about each other. He watched as Jimin's face lit up and went red.

" r-really?" Jimin was unsure if he was telling the true or really got what he said.

Yoongi answered happily " of course!" Jimin stared at Yoongi in the eyes and leaned closer. He was now sat on Yoongi's lap.

"can I-I kiss you?" Jimin whispered against Yoongi's lips. The older nodded.

"how do you kiss?" Yoongi's voice sounded like a little kid. It made Jimin smile smile slightly.

"just do what I do." Jimin then placed his lips against Yoongi's. He slowly moved his mouth as Yoongi followed his lead. Their lips moulded together and moved in sync with each other. Considering this was Yoongi's first kiss he was pretty good. Yoongi pulled away so they could catch their breath.  They leaned their heads together as they breathed heavily.

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