Chapter 6

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Plan A, asking her face-to-face, clearly didn't work.

In fact, it almost traumatized SinB. She only had two days left to ask her, and she really didn't want Hani to send a model from her own company to be the new face of the Angel Line. Even though it's stupid, SinB felt like it almost was like Yerin was destined for this, and it would feel extremely wrong if someone else had to take her place. SinB just had to make her agree and sign the contract, easy right.


It was the second day after she had received the task and she was running out of time. SinB went to the cafe again, determined. She tried to gather all the courage she had, this time it was going to work. No stuttering. No getting red. And definitely no abruptly leaving.

As she entered the cafe she searched for the person she was here for, but Yerin was nowhere to be seen, even though she's normally here at this hour. Was SinB too late? Maybe someone noticed her and she already got a modeling job in this short time?

She walked over to Umji, holding a card. She felt bad for relying on Umji, but she was getting more desperate after every second that passed.

"She's not here right now." Umji said as soon as she saw SinB, already knowing that she didn't just come to drink coffee here.

"Yeah. Uh, if she does come, could you give this together with her coffee? I'll pay for the coffee myself." She asked, presenting her business card to Umji holding it between her two fingers. Umji simply nodded as she looks at SinB hastily leaving the cafe to rush off to her work again, so hastily that she didn't notice Yerin entering after she left.

Umji sighed and shook her head, bringing a cup of freshly brewed coffee that SinB paid for to Yerin, who was getting seated at her usual spot at the window. Guess I'll have to help a little bit, at this rate we're getting nowhere.

Even though SinB called it Plan B, it's not like she had another plan if this one failed. She had no idea what she would do if Yerin just threw the business card away, or ignored it. So all that was left for her was to hope that she wouldn't.

"How's the chase going?" Eunha asked as soon as she saw SinB enterring the company, walking towards her office. SinB didn't reply, she just looked at Eunha with a blank face.

"..That's not a good sign I guess. Come to my office when you're free, we have some talking to do."

SinB worked for 10 hours straight, making countless calls and sending hundreds of e-mails, talking with her co-workers about the newest designs and discussing things about the Angel Line. Every time a new fashion line was being launched everything got extra busy at the company, but SinB wanted to put extra effort in this new fashion line.

It was already late at evening when she finished all of her work, slowly walking over to Eunha's office as she didn't know if Eunha was still there or if she had already left, since both of their shifts ended about an hour ago.

"SinB how long are you going to be standing in front of that door, just come in already." She suddenly heard a voice saying, getting embarassed because she forgot that Eunha was able to see her, standing there like an idiot thinking wether or not she should knock, through the shutters of her office.

"I haven't seen you like this since a long time ago, did that girl dump you or something?" Eunha laughed, receiving a whine from SinB.

"I- Hey!! That's not funny, I seriously don't know what to do anymore." SinB said as she got comfortable in the seat opposite of Eunha.

"Wait did you seriously get dumped?" Eunha said, laughing even more at her friend who's usually so confident in her skills of reeling people in.

"Well, no, not exactly. Or maybe..? A little bit.. Ah, I don't know.." SinB replied, sighing. "I approached her yesterday, introduced myself, but today she suddenly didn't come. What if she's avoiding me?" She desperately said.

"Maybe something came up making her unable to come? Who says she's there everyday, she could have just been busy doing something else. If you properly introduced yourself she'll probably come to you to talk next time, how would you react if someone from a famous fashion line suddenly talked to you out of nowhere?"

SinB shakes her head, remembering that Umji said she's a regular customer.

"She's there every morning, usually. And well, about that.." She muttered, remembering the scene at the cafe.

"Did you stand there in front of her with a red face, muttering some random words." Eunha said, facepalming. Scolding her friend in her mind for possibly scaring her off and looking like a creep. It's not the first time SinB would do this, it already happened before. Multiple times actually.

When they still were students, SinB loved having pretty girls wear the clothes she designed. The girls also admired her skills as a fashion designer and happily wore them. Sadly that's as far as it ever got, since SinB basically froze everytime one of them talked to her, making Eunha do all the work because she just stood there, stuttering.

Not receiving a reply from SinB she already knew she hit the nail on the head. Eunha sighed loudly.

"I'll do my best with helping you with getting that girl that you suddenly picked so much interest in to be the new face of the Angel Line, but I can't promise you that I'll succeed. They gave you 3 days to finish this task, and we both know that Hani is strict when it comes to something like this so we'll just have to go with it. If she doesn't sign the contract we have no other option but to take someone from their models."

SinB nods, thankful that her friend will help her. All she can do is wait now. If Yerin is truly avoiding her she had no choice but to depend on Eunha, so that's what she will do.

Ready to leave she turns to Eunha again before stepping out of her office, noticing that she's still just sitting at her desk.

"Aren't you going home?" She asked, answered by Eunha shaking her head.

"I still have some business to do, you can go home before me."

As soon as SinB opened the door and saw that Sowon was also still here she realized what, or more like who the "business" is that Eunha has to do.

"Gross!!" SinB yells, running towards the exit to leave this building as fast as possible so she won't have the Giraffe throwing stuff at her again for teasing them.

"Hey!! Did you forget that I'm going to help you?!" Eunha yelled at SinB, who already (luckily) escaped.

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