Chapter 14

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The first thing SinB saw the next day after she went to see Dahyun off was a yellow sticky note on her desk, with a message written on it in blue ballpen.

"Goodluck you two ;) xx"

SinB blushed from embarrassment as she realized who the "you two" referred to, another reason being the fact that Dahyun had noticed what was going on. Could this have been part of why Dahyun left so quickly after she had returned? SinB shook the thoughts off, the grand opening of the Angel Line was coming closer every day, and there was still a ton of work left to do.

Speaking about work, SinB hadn't seen Yerin yet this morning, as she didn't go to the café today. Dahyun had her flight booked pretty late and SinB wanted to see her off, so she ended up coming home around 3 am, falling into a deep sleep afterwards.

After walking around for about 15 minutes she finally found the place where Yerin was, the cons of having a large building.

"Is Yerin here?" she asked, receiving a nod from the staff leaning against the doorframe from the room where Yerin apparently was. However, SinB didn't get to talk to her since she was busy, so she ended up standing around in the hallway of the 15th level where she had no business at this moment looking like a lost puppy. And on top of that, Sowon just had to be there too at that same moment, cracking up at the look SinB had as she was abandonedly standing there.

"Shouldn't you get to work, miss CEO?"

SinB glared at her, she would have done that without Sowon telling her what to do.

"You're not my mom!"

She yelled as she trudged away, going back to her office, which made Sowon laugh even harder. Sometimes it was hard to know who the real CEO in this company was.

And so SinB started working, rushing through the whole company as she was busy with 10 things at the same time, showing who the real CEO was. Multi tasking at its finest.

Yet she didn't see or hear anything from Yerin once, not even during lunchbreaks. And so the week went by, a week turning into a month in which she had little to no interactions with Yerin, yet the due date of the Angel Line kept getting closer and closer.

She had tried to approach her, ofcourse, multiple times even. During lunch breaks she'd look around for her to ask if she'd want to have lunch with her and the others, yet she was nowhere to be found. During working hours she'd be so busy that no one other than the people working with her got to see her, and when the day ended she'd leave so quickly that no one even realized she had left, yet she still managed to finish all of her work perfectly without doing over-time even once.

SinB may be oblivious sometimes, but she definitely knew something was up, Yerin had never avoided her like this before. But like always, she had no clue why. She still acted like normal the last time they talked, which was when she said she didn't like Dahyun but some else.


SinB felt stupid for even having the thought that Yerin could be mad at her for what she said.

It couldn't be, right? In fact, SinB almost spilled the beans about her liking Yerin, so she thought she had done a good job by saying something else.

"I can hear your brain working all the way back there, you okay?" Eunha walked into SinB's office, noticing the state it was in. Hundreds of papers with designs on it were spread out on her desk, hung up on the wall, her white board was more of a black board now thanks to all of the scribbles on there, but the biggest mess seemed to be SinB herself.

"Yeriiiiiin...." SinB mumbled, her head leaning on her desk.


"Ah?" She looked up to see Eunha's face, who was awkwardly looking the other way.

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