Death- Chapter 4

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What I found was... Not what I thought I would find.

There they were.


I didn't even get to know them very well.
They were a girl. I think her name was... Akamaru? No. I think it was... Akamatsu? Kaede Akamastu. That's it. That's her name. She had blonde hair and a pink outfit.

But, her outfit wasn't the only thing that was pink.

Before I had more time to analyze, I heard a static noise coming from some TV I didn't even realize was there. "A body has been discovered!" That weird teddy bear I saw earlier was on the screen."Now then, after a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!" What? A body? But- I didn't- I didn't think she was dead. No. No. No no no no no no no no no no no. This isn't what I thought would happen.
Authors Note: This is #69 in trending. WHY 69

Cont. Story
But, there it was. A body of a girl I barely knew. Either way I still felt bad.

But as of now, I need to focus. Who- no- What did this? Was it one of us? No. I can't think like that. It must have been the bear. Monokuna? Monokuma? Something like that. Was he being controlled by something- no.

As I was getting on to something I was snapped back into reality by some long blue haired lady. I looked up and she said, "You, it has been 10 minutes already. Are you okay? By the way, the name's Tsumigi. Tsumigi Shirogane. And who might you be?"

Is that what you should be worrying about? Me? My name? As there is a dead body in front of us? Something about her isn't right. "My name is Kokichi Oma, Ultimate Supreme Leader if you please." I told her. After that I stepped near the body a bit. I felt weird investigating, but I want to be prepared for whatever is about to happen. I was kneeling down by the body, I saw Shuichi there too.

"This is going to be awkward" I thought. As I was reaching around the body for any clues as to Who Dunnit (Pun Intended)
Shuichi's hand accidentally touched mine. (I don't know if it was an accident or not.) I stumbled backwards in surprise, covering my face with my hands. I was blushing that hard.

But, what I didn't realize was the small hair on the floor next to me. Right next to the body.

    It was green. As I looked around for anyone who had green hair, I saw him. I went up to him. "Hi. I'm Kokichi. Who are you?" "Um. Rantaro." There was a long pause. "Rantaro Amami." He had the exact same hair color as the small one I saw earlier. Just a coincidence, right? "Okay. Thanks" I walk off after saying that. If he truly is a murderer, I don't want to be killed by him next. I have no idea what could happen.

     I figured I should tell Shuichi about the hair. "Saihara- Chan gu-" "Don't call me that." He cut me off for me calling him Saihara- Chan. "Okay, well, Shuichi. I found a hint." He actually showed emotion for once. "Was that a lie?" He questioned. "You're good, but no. It wasn't a lie. Look." I hand him the piece of 'evidence'. "Thanks Oma-Chan." He says. I imitate him. "Don't call me that." I say in a quiet voice like he did. He laughs. So do I. "Ahem. The class trial will begin momentarily. So if you could all head to the elevator with the large red doors it will begin." Monokuma says over the intercom.

    Class trial, huh. Guess we'll see what that is.

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