Class Trial- Chapter 5

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Well here we are. In front of the elevator. I have no clue what will happen here. If it is Amami, what will happen to him? What if something happens to us? Agh... I'm scared...

We step into the elevator... There's a lot of tension. I'm not surprised. I mean, apparently there's a murderer in here.

It looks like a lot of paint has faded or chipped off the walls. There isn't much to see besides the people.

This elevator ride is taking a while. How far down are we going?

Oh, here we are.

We all walk out. Monokuma speaks, "Just find a 'desk' and take it. This is your assigned seat now!" Huh? Is he assuming there will be more murders?

"Now, I will give you a moment to settle in." Monokuma says. For a robot he has a very... lively voice. "I guess I should explain what the class trial is. So, basically you will be trying to figure out who killed Kaede Akamatsu with the clues you found! Any questions?" 

Shuichi spoke up, "Uh- what if we... get it wrong?"

"You will all be executed! By yours truly, Monokuma!"

"And if we get it correct?"

"Only the murderer will be executed."

At this point everyone was scared. It was them or us.

"Begin! Who is the murderer? Who will be executed?" Monokuma seemed very excited to do this. How? Why?

Saihara-Chan was the first to speak. "So, we should try to finish this quickly. I don't know how to start this. Does anybody have any suspicions? And if so, why?"

Close to the end of the trial

"Hey- Hey- HEY!! Stop arguing for a second amd listen." I take a deep breath. "It was me." I pause. They look confused. "I was the one that killed Akamatsu." Of course, that was a lie. It wasn't me. It was Amami.

"W-what? Oma-Chan." He pauses. His look changes. From confused to irritated. "Why?! What did she ever do to you?! She didn't do anything wrong! She didn't deserve that! Why? Why Oma-Chan?" By the end, his voice started to trail off. He became quieter. "Om- Kokichi? Answer me. Why would you do that to her?" He started to become much louder, like a parent yelling at their kid after they do something wrong. He even started to call me Oma-Chan. He stopped. He must be really irritated. I should speak up.

"Nope! That was just a lie! I didn't actually kill her! Nishishi!" I replied.

"Kokichi..." Saihara-Chan was crying at this point. "Kokichi, don't you have anything smart to ever say? What do you get out of lying like this? I hope you have something to make up for this. You have evidence. Show it. Hurry up. I want to leave here. Please."

"I f-" Some short red haired girl cut me off. "Maybe Shuichi was right. You don't have anything smart to say, do you? Honestly Kokichi- You deserve to be the victim, not Kaede." I... "Wow! Nishishi! I'll go ahead and present my evidence." What she said would probably stick around for a while... "When I was at the murder scene, I found a few small hairs. All the same color. This may have been completely coincidental, but I feel like it is connected! The hair was the exact same color as..." I point at Amami. "His hair! I think it was Amami! Amami, what were you doing at the time of her death?"

Voting time at the class trial

"Okay, I'm bored! Voting time!!" Monokuma interrupted us.

No, we aren't ready! We can't do this yet!

Monokuma explained how to vote. I guess we have to now.

We finished voting. This is it. This is going to be the absolute worst thing I have ever done. This is scary...

Monokuma spoke. "The culprit was... drumroll please! Lalalala Rantaro Amami! The person the majority of you guys chose was... drumroll please! Dodododoo Rantaro Amami! Congratulations! You got it right!" Monokuma was definitely excited about this.

Author's note: Thank you for all the love on this story! It isn't much but we are in #173 in the Saioma tag! Thank you! I will try to update this more often now! I have a lot more time now. Also this is the end of this chapter!^^

Another note 1 day later: We are now #62 in omasai! Thank you guys!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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