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in the last month i had been signed to a modelling agency and was making good money from it, my mates have a field day with it because we're only 16-17 which means i get to keep a lot, if not all of my money due to not paying bills and such.
hey cyn!" i exclaimed as cynthia entered my home.

"hello, girlie" cyn smiled.

"how's life?" i asked.

"not been treating me as well as it has you! miss model" cynthia giggled.

i smiled "well, any men in your life?" i asked.

we sat down on the sofa and cynthia began to look nervous.

"what's up?" i asked.

"there is this one boy" she said, looking very guilty.

"well! tell me about him" i exclaimed.

"he's actually the reason i'm here" she said.



"yes, cyn?"

"me and john" she mumbled.

"hm?" i said.

"me and john, we're in love" cynthia said, wiping a stray tear from her face.

i burst out laughing.

"okay! cut the cameras" i laughed.

cynthia shook her head.

"very funny guys" i laughed.

"as if my own best friend and my boyfriend would do that to me" i chuckled, wiping tears of laughter from my face.

"rory, the first night i came back. the party" cynthia started.

"me and john hooked up that night. we've been doing it ever since and we realised we have these intense huge feelings attached and we believe it's time you knew so you can decide what to do" cynthia cried.

"you don't have to make up a whole story. i believe you" i laughed.

"aurora" she said, touching my knee.

"you wouldn't" i said, my mood changing rapidly.

cynthia nodded, shamefully.

"you- you actual fucking slag!" i screeched.

"i- i- i'm"

"no, cynthia. don't, please just- don't"

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