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that month george finally got his girl, jane asher but funnily enough the night george told her he loved her she just couldn't help herself and went back to paul.

we all believed poor ringo and pattie were in the middle of all of this but actually pattie and ringo had been dating for 6 months but it ended when ringo began shagging jane.

"so we're all just shagging each other then?" john came to a conclusion as we all sat on the top deck of a bus.

"CORRECTION" i yelled.

"you're all shagging eachother, me, patts and george are loyal" i said.

"didn't pat and paul do it?" john asked.

"fine then,it's just me and george who are loyal" i said.

"well why don't you two shag so you can be included" john said.

"stop speaking with me like we're even on speaking terms. don't forget what you done to me" i said.

"how could i when you remind me every fucking day" john rolled his eyes.

"george give me your phone" i ordered.

"no, wait a sec" george said.

but he was too late because i already had it in my hand.

i went to click off of the notes app so i could play music but then i saw my name..

note 1

type of boy rory deserves.
2.loves her for who she is
4.understands her beauty
5.doesn't fucking use her
6.knows her wo

"what's- what's this?" i asked.

"you weren't meant to see" george muttered.

"i don't fancy ya by the way. they were just thoughts" george shrugged.

"oh well, alright" i smiled.

"i'm having a party tonight" john yelled.

"i'll be there" was repeated by each of us.

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