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Astra's POV

Another day of testing, where I showed how well I could manipulate generated plasma with my electrokinesis, had concluded, with me barely passing, and another annual haircut where they just chopped my hair off to be barely above my neck, and I was, once again, confined to my tiny padded and electrical-insulated cell.

Just as I was starting to fall asleep with the thin blanket I was provided with, red strobe lights and sirens went off outside and in my cell as I bolted back up, fully awake.

When I looked out the small window kept on my cell's door, I saw the scientists and their workers scramble around with armfuls of paperwork. Even from inside, I was still able to make out what they were saying on the outside,

"We've been breached!"

"Destroy the files!"

"Prepare the escape shuttles!"

But one conversation caught my attention more than the rest,

"What about Subject J75-4?"

"We can't let them find the asset, destroy it!"

I instantly began to panic as the scientist who had been commanded opened my cell and dragged me out.

"Let me go!" I started to shout before the dreaded muzzle was strapped over my face to prevent any more outbursts.

I struggled against the scientist as he dragged me to a huge tube-like enclosure with one window and bound me into place inside by a big strap across my torso, keeping my back to the wall of the tube and my arms were strapped down.

He closed the door and, before I could use my abilities to short-circuit the machine, smoke began to pour into the tube and I felt my powers weaken down to nothing and my throat closed up in reaction to the poisonous fumes.

As my vision started to fade out, I heard the scientists yelled in alarm and grunt in pain as several thuds were heard. Taking this as a sign to be the breachers, I wriggled one arm out and slapped my palm against the window just as everything went dark.

Rocket's POV

"Man, this place is creepy, but it'll be totally worth the units on these nutcases!" I told Groot as he bagged all the fugitives and tossed them in a pile until we could put’em in the cells we have aboard our ship.

"I Am Groot?" (Is it scaring you?)

"No! This place ain't scaring me! I ain't scared of nothin'." I growled and just as I did a slapping noise came from behind me and, from inside a chamber's window, a hand was against the window and slid down slowly leaving a wet mark on the glass.

"What the flarg?!" I scrambled up Groot's shoulder.

"I Am Groot?" (Now are you afraid?)

"I ain’t afraid, just a little surprised is all."

"I Am Groot." (We should free whoever's in there)

"I don't want to open that thing, are you nuts?!" but he just gave me the 'really' look.

"Alright fine..." I grumbled as I jumped from Groot's shoulder to the top of the chamber and pushed aside several wires inside a control panel to find the main power cord. After I ripped it out, the power went off in the chamber.

"Alright Groot, do your thing." I stood back with my arms folded and Groot raised his arm and punched through the door to rip it off its hinges and throw it to the side. Inside, there was a young-lookin' kid with an arm dangling in front of it, with a cuff on both its wrists, and the other bound into place, eyes closed, barely breathing through a metal muzzle over its face, and held in place by a strap, wearing a lab gown, a tattoo, and slight bump, on her neck, and chopped off hair.

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