New Family, New Abilities

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Takes place right before Volume 2

Gora's POV

I would advise you not to do that... I deadpanned as my frustrations towards the raccoon began to arise.

"How 'bout you don't go tellin' me what's what?" Rocket groaned, slapping my spine away to prevent any more telepathic commentary from me, prompting me to roll my eyes.

The ship had been delayed in our voyage through space on our way to a "job" where the Guardians' services were required. As a result, we had to make a "pit stop" on a planet where Astra had gone to get the tools to repair the ship while the Terran, Zehoberei, and "Destroyer" had gone to restock on sustenance. I had stayed on the ship with the little walking sapling called "Groot" and infuriatingly arrogant Earth raccoon, Rocket, as he worked on his newest gun for the next mission. I had only been on the ship for a few weeks now, but that was plenty of time to see how dysfunctional everyone operated as proven by what occured next,


Following the midsized explosion that I shielded both myself and Groot from with my spines extending to create a shield in front of me, a small plume of smoke burst out leaving Rocket to cough as he waved the smoke away before growling in frustration and throwing a screwdriver to the wall.

I attempted to warn you, by plugging that wire into that capacitor you disrupted the electrostatic field it stores the energy in and therefore it destabilized. I explained while examining my paw and helping Groot reach a shelf where he began to attempt to chew on one of Rocket's weapons before he came over, annoyed, to get him down.

"What happened?" We looked to the door to see JJ standing there with a giant wrench in one hand while the other was cleaning the brightly colored fluid off her face with a dirty rag. After extending my spine out to her to communicate I began to explain,

Rocket was- but was rudely cut off with,

"I was just working."

"OK..." JJ squinted in uncertainty before reporting, "Well I managed to figure out why the engines keep hiccuping, something was clogging up the intake valve. Now we just need to reboot the ship's system manually from its power grid."

"So do it then." Rocket stated as if it was the most obvious idea.

"I can't."

"And why not?"

"Because I can't reach the system from the outside. Whoever created the plans for this ship really messed up with the power grid's access point."

You can reach it if you electroport inside and reboot it from the inside as the energy itself. I suggested while cleaning my antennae.

"'Electro-' what?" They both questioned at the same time.

You focus on your body becoming pure energy and you teleport via the electricity inside.

"Yeah I have no idea how to do that..." Astra admitted as she dropped the wrench back into a toolbox and sat down on the bench closest to Rocket.

It's simple, I will show you. I got up, prepared to teach her when we were interrupted by,

"Woah woah woah you think you can just come in here and start telling us what's what?"

I only wish to help Astra. I argued back.

"Her name's not Astra, not anymore."

You don't know anything about what she's capable of, so who are you to be telling me that. We were practically butting heads until Astra intervened putting a hand out to each of us to keep us separate.

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