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The first thing Skylar did as she slowly came back from sleep was groan because of the sunlight that hurt her eyes. The second one was to stretch her body while rolling onto her back, or more like trying to. Because as soon as she rolled over to her right, she had to learn that a couch was not as wide as a bed, sending her tumbling down onto Jeongguk's mattress. The fall made her eyes snap open fairly quickly, mustering her surroundings and the soundly sleeping male that was now next to her. Or, maybe not soundly sleeping. Jeongguk woke with a grumble, eyes blinking open slowly to fixate on her.

"You came to cuddle?" The comment made her cheeks flare up, hiding her burning face behind her hair. "No? Rude."

"Shut up.." She was surprised how rough her voice sounded and as it seemed, so was Jeongguk. His eyes traveled over her, hooking onto her stomach where her shirt had ridden up. She went to pull it down but all she could do was gasp as the red haired was faster, touching her warm skin gently before draping the shirt back over it. It made her stutter out a breath, eyes wide and heart beating hard.

"Mornin' cuddle buddies." Blue eyes caught brown ones before they ran over dark blonde her and the most tattoo covered body she had ever seen by now. "Slept well?"

"Namjoon hyung. You're home early." Oh, so this was the tattoo artist. 

"Early? It's almost eleven. About time you two wake up, we can't sneak around the apartment the whole morning." Skylar sat straight on the mattress now. Eleven? Almost eleven? Fuck!

"Oh holy fu- shi- balls! We missed almost four hours of school! Gguk, I need to go!" Just as she found enough strength to push herself up, she was pulled down again, body hitting the mattress with a  not so girl-like grunt. "Wha-"

"We have a day off, remember? Holiday?" Right. That's why the bonfire was in town in the first place.

"Ah.. yeah.. Right. I knew that! Yup, totally knew that." Bullshit. She rubbed her eyes tiredly. "I feel so dead."

"You slept first." The male next to her chuckled, throwing the blanket over her shivering body. "How can you be so tired. You slept like a rock, too."

"I dunno. Maybe it is the fact that I actually slept so well." She smiled down at her lap. She really did sleep well. She haven't slept this well for a pretty long time.

"I'm happy to hear that, you really needed it."

"Yeah.. I did." The boy looked at her curiously, not really understanding her statement. "Oh, uhm.. Well, I have had nightmares for almost ten years now leading to a sleeping disorder. So I usually don't sleep until four or five a.m., even on school days. You eventually get used to it, I guess."

"Maybe Namjoon hyung can help you with that." She tilted her head like a confused dog, almost blushing when Jeongguk chuckled and smiled at the gesture. "He has a sleeping disorder, too."

"Oh. Well, yeah, maybe. It's worth a shot, if he doesn't mind..?" The dark blonde glanced at them with a tiny smile before shaking his head and agreeing to her request. Skylar smiled rather shyly, not fully confident around the man. Namjoon seemed nice enough but she did not know him at all. So she was careful.

"Skylar!" Seokjin threw himself down on the couch next to them, leaving the poor girl staring at him with wide and surprised eyes which made him laugh. "Hey. I hope you are okay."

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