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School showers were always something that horrified the raven haired girl. The fear of being walked in on or forgetting her towel were glued to the back of her mind, leaving her body in a small whirl of anxiety. Yet, she hated to leave the gym sweaty and smelly, so she always used them anyways. And it almost seemed like everything was like usual until Skylar noticed that her towel and her fresh clothes were missing even tho the girl was to one hundred and twenty percent sure she took both with her. Panic rose in her gut, making her throat close painfully. She peeked around the shower curtain to check if anyone was there before quietly slipping out of the safety of the shower to hurry down the hallway of the bathroom to glance out of the little shower door window into the lockers.

"Missing something?" A high pitched scream left her, jumping in her skin and turning around while shielding every relevant part as best as possible. Wet pink hair was hanging down Marie's shoulder as she watched the shorter girl with a devilish glint in her eyes.

"Wh- Uh, yeah." Skylar wanted to curse herself for stuttering but it felt like her breath got stuck in her throat as the punk-ish girl came closer, almost popping the raven haired's personal bubble.

"I'm gonna be honest with you, goodie-two-shoes. I didn't like you." Right back to you. "But you made me really hate you when you crushed that ball into my shoulder with that stupid smirk of yours. White Wolf of the court, huh? Pathetic, that's what you are. Just look at you, you dumb bitch."

"Excuse me?"  Wide eyes stared into glinting green ones as the pink haired backed off before reaching for the door handle.

"You heard me. Now step aside. And good luck finding you clothes. Hopefully you have enough wits for that." With these words she disappeared. But not before Skylar heard the guttering sound of a lock begin twisted. Her hands shook as she gripped the door handle, tugging on it in the weak attempt to show herself that she misheard. That the door wasn't locked and trapped her naked in the school showers. Failing miserably at it. So she actually did the only thing that she could think of now. She screamed.

"Help! Someone! Please!" Her hand banged on the wooden door, eyes looking into the locker room in hope that someone heard her but after five minutes she gave up, her back hitting the door to slide down on it and tug her legs to her chest. She felt like crying, frustration settling in her chest and anger rising in her throat to make her scream out loudly once to let off some steam.

"Hello?" Her heart skipped a beat at the muffled voice on the other side of the door that she jumped up instantly to peek out of the window. Doe eyes starred at her in confusion and shock, red hair wet from a shower too.

"Oh my god, Jeongguk! Thank god! Please unlock the door!" He's like a hero, Brooke's voice swirled around in her head. Yeah, maybe he is. 

"Skylar, what the hell?" The boy did as told, pushing the door open in a crack before Skylar threw her whole body weight against it in panic. "What the fu-"

"I'm naked!" If she wasn't completely panicking right now about the fact that Jeongguk had almost been the first boy to see her in this state, she would be laughing at how his eyes were just as wide in shock as her's. In her messy mind she had sworn to have seen a faint blush to creep up his cheeks before he turned around to put down what seemed like his bag. After a few second of rummaging through it he returned to her to push his hand through the little crack that the door gave. Skylar wanted to laugh at the black shirt and shorts that were hanging from his finger but she didn't, only took them silently with reddening cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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