Leaving Home (Laura)

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  • Dedicated to Carrie Underwood

Sun shining through my curtains. Everything packed. I changed into the clothes I left out and packed my pyjamas. I slipped my country hat on my head.i walked down the worn wooden stairs to see homemade crumpets with butter and melted chocolate. My baby sister (who's now 7), Aribella, scoffing 3 crumpets down and Daddy reading the newspaper and Momma at the stove, cooking. I sat down in my usual seat next to Daddy (who's at the head opposite Momma) and across from Aribella. I'm gonna miss this lot.

The last box in the boot and Aribella stood in front of Momma, who's on the verge of tears. "Before you hit the highway, you better stop for gas. There's a 50 in the ashtray if you run short on cash. Here's a map and here's a bible, if you ever lose your way. Just one more thing before you leave, don't forget to remember me," Momma said as she hugged me and held my hand. I knelt to Aribella's height and told her I'll be back soon. Walked up to Daddy and kissed both his cheeks. After I hugged everyone again, I popped open the door to my shine, red Chevy and climbed in. I waved back at them as they got smaller.

I pulled up to campus. The first thing I see is my BFF, Raini Rodriguez. After squeezing the life out of each other, we walk to our dorm. I guess I've left home.

Book 1: Don't Forget To Remember MeWhere stories live. Discover now