Reese Billy and Rachel Lillian (Laura)

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When we all got home I went straight to mine and Ross' bedroom to take a nap. 3 hours later and I hear Carrie Underwood playing and stomping off feet meaning reunion time. I got changed into a plain white tank top that hugged my stomach and a loose red flannel shirt with denim shorts. I slipped on my converse and placed my phone in my pocket. Soon I was looking down at the same worn, wooden stairs that I had all of my childhood. Suddenly they were really steep. I felt a small kick in my stomach. Then another but a bit harder. The third time was so hard I nearly screamed. I felt a trickle of warm water run down my leg. "ROSS!!!" I screamed the loudest I could.
"Laura?! What happened?!" he asked worriedly.
"My..." I stopped because of pain. I couldn't hear anymore Carrie Underwood or loud stomping feet. Everyone was worried about me.
"What's that on the floor? And on Laura's leg?" my not-such-baby-anymore sis, Aribella. Ross looked down.
"Okay everyone out the way!!!" Ross shouted as he helped me down the stairs.
"Ross, what's happened?" Momma asked Ross.
"Aahh!!! Daddy!!!" I screamed.
"It's okay, Ross. I've got her," Daddy said picking me up and running to the pickup truck with Ross on his 6. He placed me on the edge of the trailer and Ross helped me to the back of the cab so I was leaning against it and Momma climbed in with at least four blankets and Ari in the front with Daddy.

An hour later Daddy had to pull over, making sure no-one could see me, and call an ambulance because the truck was bouncing to much. "I-I have... t-to pu-push!!!" I said loudly.
"Hang on, Darlin'. I need to make sure that your fully dilated," Momma said soothingly to me, "Okay, Darlin', you can push."

After a painful hour, Ross was holding our baby boy in a blue blanket and I was just a few pushes of from my baby girl. "One more push, Darlin'," Momma said while Ari rubbed my back and wiped my sweaty forehead. I pushed with all my might and I heard the ambulance, a cry then nothing. All I see is... black. Darkness and plain nothingness.

A bright white light appeared and I saw a new smiling grandma, a new grandpa, a new aunt and a new daddy. I saw my babies wrapped in a blanket each. "Guys," Ross said nodding his head towards the door and everyone walks out as Ross comes and sits on the bed, "You want to hold her?" I just nodded. Ross went over to the bassinets and carefully picked up the small baby girl.
"You know... we still need to name them," I said as he passed me the youngest twin.
"I have one for a boy," he said in return which I nodded as a carry on sign, "Reese," I nodded "Shor." I shook my head, "What? Why?"
"Reese is fine but the middle name is Billy. After Daddy."
"Then the girl's middle name is Stormie. After my mom," I shook my head once again, "Why not?"
"What did your mom do to help me during the pregnancy?"
"Um... Um... Um... Um... Um...," One minute later, "Um... Um..."
"Exactly," I said braggingly, "Momma flew over to help me, she delivered them, she made sure I got the right food and nutritions and most importantly she was there for me. So the girl's name will be Rachel Lillian," I said with a straight face.

---1 Year Later---
Momma, Daddy, Ari (now 12) and Cameron (Ari's boyfriend for 6 months) came and gave us the twins' presents. Then Rydel and Ratliff, Rocky and Kayla, Ryland and Zoe as well as Riker and Lily. Mark and Stormie aren't coming because of what happened when the twins were only a month old.


Stormie was babysitting them, so Ross and I could go out, and she started watching TV while drinking a bottle of wine then fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next day. No-one else was at home. The twins were crying because they had a really dirty diaper each and were both really hungry. I heard the crying while I was half way up the drive way so, as the protective mother I am, I run and grab the spare key from under the plant pot and unlocked the door to see a hung-over Stormie trying to sooth them but she stank of wine so I run and grab Reese while Ross gets Rachel. I walk around while breast-feeding Reese and saw a half-empty red wine bottle. After that I finished feeding Reese and placed him gently in his car seat. Then shouted at Stormie for being so irresponsible and drinking wine while babysitting her grandchildren, who are only a month old but she mainly cared about getting rid of her hang-over. Then Mark came in and I told him that he should get his wife in check. I was about to walk out but Mark grabbed my arm and pulled me back, harshly. Then he did what I never thought he would do. He raised his arm and all you could hear was a loud smack come from the kitchen. Ross then came and gave Mark a couple of punches then he got me and the twins to go home.

---End of Flashback---

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Reese and Rachel, Happy Birthday to you!!!" Everyone sung in harmony.

After everyone had eaten their piece of cake, we opened the presents. From Momma and Daddy we got a full set of baby stuff with their initials on. So Rachel's things are pink with 'RLL' on and Reese's are blue with 'RBL'.
From Ari and Cameron we got a photo album of the past year. The first one is the family picture of us in the hospital back in Texas. Then the one with just the twins, Ross and I still at the hospital. One with Ma-ma and Pa-pa. One that's when the twins are six or seven months, Aribella is holding Rachel and Cameron is holding Reese. Then there's a free space and then pictures of me during the pregnancy.
From Rydellington we got a load of onesies. My favourite for Reese is 'I'm a rockstar like Daddy! Rock on!' and my favourite for Rachel is 'I'm the awesome twin but don't tell Blondie.'
From the boys and their girlfriends we got a play mat and bedding covers as well as a pair of baby monitors.
From me and Ross is that the twins get their own room and the cool thing is since Ross and I's bedroom has an ensuite bathroom we've put a door on the other side which is Rachel's room and another door on the other side of that which is Reese's. In each room there is a door that leads to the landing and on that door is their name painted on in either pink or blue and no-one ever forgot to remember anyone.

---The End---

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