3 Years Later and A Wedding (Laura, Aribella & Ross)

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Today is the day I become a Lynch and announce that I'm- "Laura. It's time for you to wait for the music," Momma said, motherly.

"You know, there's still time to back out," Daddy said jokingly.
"Daddy!" I playfully smacked his arm. "I want to do this," I said sternly but with a slight smile. Ari walked down the isle with Ross' little brother, Ryland, Raini (maid of honour) and her boyfriend, Calum (best man) who is also Ross' best friend. Then it was my turn. I took a deep breath and link my arm with Daddy's and start walking. I had my something old: Momma's earrings that she wore at her wedding, my something new inside of me and me something blue: I was wearing a sapphire encrusted tiara with sapphires sown onto the bottom of my dress and some around the edge of my bun.

As Laura walked down the aisle all I could look at was how handsome Ryland looked but when I turned to look at Laura, I felt a gaze from where I was not-long-ago looking so I looked back and saw Ryland looking at me. He looked back at Laura but blushing this time and so did I. When Laura got to the alter, the priest said all the lame stuff that he says at weddings. Then Ross and Laura had to say their vows. Laura went first. "Ross, ever since you walked into my dorm at college on the first day, it's never been just Ross and just Laura, it's been Ross and Laura. So from then up until the day we die it will be Ross and Laura."
"Ross, your vows, please," the priest said in his deep voice.
"Okay so as you all know I absolutely love music but not nearly as much as I love Laura. So I've done my vows in a song." (Song at the top)
"Can we have the rings, please?" Ryland walked up with a cushion that had the two rings on. "Do you, Ross Shor Lynch, take this woman, Laura Marie Marano, to be your lawfully wedded wife until death do you part?" The priest said.
"I do," Ross said proudly.
"And do you, Laura Marie Marano, take this man, Ross Shor Lynch, to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?"
"I do," Laura said lovingly.

We were at the wedding reception. "Okay. Everyone take your seats," Raini said into the microphone, "Okay so I'm going to be starting the speeches off. So-"
"Oh god," we heard Laura say and everyone laughed.
"So... When Ross had walked into the dorm with Calum he said to 'Rain, who's that?' so I answered him. 'That's Laura. The girl I was telling you about' and I remember exactly what she was wearing. Her denim shorts and a beautiful pearl white tank that has 'All American Girl' on the front and she was cleaning the counter top while jamming to 'All American Girl' by Carrie Underwood. I will never forget that day because Ross... you made my best friend complete," Raini said on the verge of tears, "To Ross and Laura."
"To Ross and Laura," Everyone said.
Next it was Calum and his wasn't that different. Then came Bella (Aribella)'s.
"So I met Ross when I was 7 and now I'm 10 and can't wait 'til I'm in Laura's shoes marrying the man I love. Anyway back to my speech. It was fall break and about a month into the school year and laura brought Ross to stay with us and I'm not sure if I was the only one who noticed that Laura's behaviour had gotten even more bubbly, which I didn't even think could happen," everyone laughed, "One more thing and this is for you Lau-Lau. Ross is going to be a brilliant father someday and you want to know how I know? I know because he treated me like Daddy does, like I was his own child." Bella then ran up to Laura and I and we both hugged her and then she sat on my knee while Laura lied her head on my right shoulder. After my dad's speech, Laura got up and stood behind the microphone. "Okay so I'm not aware that there's anymore speeches so I've got an announcement to make." This is my chance.
"Actually... I have something to say," I told Laura.
"Okay," she replied.
"So..."I held Laura's hand, "I just want to say that I'm really happy to have gotten married and to have fallen in love with this gorgeous women right here and... and I can't wait to start a family with her." I got a lot of awes from that.
"Well, that makes this a lot more stress free. Ross..." Is she? "I'm pregnant," she stated
"Really?" I questioned. She nodded. She nodded! She nodded!! She nodded!!!
"Ross, say something," she whispered worriedly. I pulled her close in a hug. I felt her relax, "We need to buy two of everything though."
"Why?" She just puts both hands on her stomach, "Twins?" She nods again.

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