Chapter One

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Hi people. Here it is, the first chapter. Enjoy.

Sincerely Izzy.


Harrys POV-

Ever since my mother and father were killed that horrible night. My whole life had been planned.

Starting with me living with three people who have hated me, to the point of barley feeding me. And forgetting I'm even there. But when they remembered I was there, well... it went from words to hitting, hitting to- to- lets just say I haven't got my V card anymore, I had that ripped away from me when I was young.

Then Hagrid came and got me to send me off to my future. To only learn magic so I can kill the person who is a threat to the Wizarding World. Sure 'it's for the greater good' but did anyone think about how I felt during all of...this? No. I know Hermione and Ron sometimes showed they cared but they only wanted me alive so I could kill "the Dark Lord". Not one of them cared how I felt. Well, apart from some twins that we all know and love.

This may sound crazy, but I think the only people I can trust are probably Draco Malfoy, some off his friends and Severus Snape. Sure they hate me, but they are the only ones who didn't want to be my friend because I'm "the boy who lived" or "the saviour of the wizarding world" or... "Gryffindor Golden Boy". They treated me like I'm just a normal person.
Oh and guess what house I was supposed to be in, Slytherin. I was about to accept to being a Slytherin when I heard a certain Headaster say a few things and I said "anything but slytherin". It was the same with Draco, I was about to shake his hand when HERMIONE done the same. So yeah they are the only ones I can trust.

I changed after the war though, I guess you could say I broke. Basically I didn't leave the house, I didn't talk to anyone. Hermione and Ron stopped talking and seeing me straight after I had killed the noseless monster.
I kept people that actually cared about me away because I couldn't keep losing people and I wouldn't know who to trust anyway, so why bother. I'm doing what I want now, not what everyone expects. I'm doing what is best for me. And not anything or anyone is going to change that. Absulutly no one.

Oh guess what, I'm the Potions Professor. I know what your ganna say "Harry Potter, Potions Professor, are you mad?". Well after the war no one wanted anything to do with me, now my job was done. So when I went back to hogwarts to re-do my seventh year, I focussed on my study's and I actually really like Potions. I'm really good at them if I do say so myself. I have to be, right? I passed with flying  colours on my N.E.W.T.S and SNAPE marked them. I must be good, like he hates me, so I must be doing something right. Snape's working as the DADA Professor now so I got Potions. I can't deal with anything that reminds me of the war. I technically taught that for DA when Dumbridge was around so it reminds me of the war and Snape was fine to teach it. He finally got his dream job.

It's currently a day before I have to apperate to Hogwarts to get settled in. It's going to be weird going back as a Professor. But you know, at least I want to do this.


I was in my new chambers getting "settled" in -more like doing more potions, I can't stop making them, they are so interesting- when there was a knock on the door. I walked upstairs into the front room and looked above the door to see who it is -I charmed it so it would say the name of the person-. It was Snape.

'Come in.' I said walking back down to the lab. I wonder why he is here? I thought to myself.


Snapes POV-

'Potter,' I called once I entered. He was in my old chambers. Since I'm the new DADA teacher, I moved into the chambers closest to the DADA classroom and office. My old chambers still looked the same, all though it had a different atmosphere. It was colder. I knew Potter changed after the war but really, this much? The room is charmed to feel what the owner feels. -Don't ask me why, 'cause I do not know-. 

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