Chapter three

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Hiya people hope you enjoy this chapter.
Snapes POV-

'Fine. But I warned you. That smell belongs to me. Your my mate. I'm yours! There I said it happy?' And he left the room.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. HOW IS HARRY BLOODY POTTER MY MATE?! He is a neko and I'm a vampire. How CAN THEY POSSIBLY GO TOGETHER?!

In a flash, memories came flooding back. I remembered now. Dumble messed with my memorys. Oh Harry I love you I am so sorry!

I knocked on the room Harry entered.

'Please open up I remember everything. Dumbledore messed with my memories. I'm sorry. Please open up... please Harry.'

After a minute, the door opened to reveal Harry's ears laying flat, covering part of his face. The fact he was looking down made it so I couldn't see his face at all.

I reached with my hands and gently captured his chin and tilted up his head.

Now I could see some of his face, it was clear he had been crying and still is. With my other hand, I wiped away some tears.

'Harry. I'm so sorry. I accept you. I hope you can accept me. If not its alright. I completly understand. I was horrible to you. I don't deserve you. But I'm willing to fight for you. Nothing you do will make me turn you down. I won't let you leave without a fight.' And I meant every word.

'I... I forgive you. I wasn't the nicest either. And I accept you to.' He then rushed forward and hugged me. His head in my chest, since I'm still taller then him. I hugged back and rested my chin on top of his head.

'You know I'm not letting go now right.' I said. I felt and heard him giggle.

'I know. And neither am I.' He replied. Lifting up his head he said, 'you know I always did have a crush on you but I never admitted it.'

'I did too. Well before Dumbledee messed with my memory. But even then I felt a pull.' I said looking down.

'Good. At least then it's not awkward.'

'Yeah.' I couldnt help but get captured in his eyes. They were dazling. He was beautiful. And now he is mine. 'So I know you accept me but I'd like to do it the proper way. Harry James Potter, would you give me the privelage of being my boyfriend.'

'Yes I would love that Severus Tobias Snape.' I leaned down and said,

'Can i?' Whilst looking at his eyes then those gorgeous pink lips.

'Yes, please.'

I leaned further in and captured his lips. At first it was slow and sweet but then it started getting rough. Harry's arms found there way around my neck. And my arms slivered around his waste, pulling him closer. If possible.

The kiss was blissful. It was full of so many emotions but it was mostly full of love. If time could stop it would have. If only we could stay like this forever. But alas things come to an end when some certain teeth come to say hello.

Harry gasped and pulled away. 'Your a vampire aren't you?'

I turned around and said 'yeah I am.'  Harry turned my head back to his.

'Bite me. I don't won't to die and leave you alone. And please don't say no.'

'But Harry. You'll live for a long time. It would get boring.'

'I don't care, as long as I'm with you.' He leaned up and kissed me again. When I was shocked at his movements he took advantage and his tongue slipped in my mouth. I soon joined in on the kiss. He felt around and then he rubbed his tounge against my fangs and it sent shivers through my body. And in a flash I pulled away and said,

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