Chapter Four

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Hiya people hope you enjoy this chapter.

Nobodys POV-

It's was a year later, Severus and Harry were now the most favoured Professors at Hogwarts (and couple). All the kids loved there classes. Harry wasn't cold and heartless anymore. He was full of happiness and he thought it couldn't get anybetter then this. But oh how he was very wrong. He was very wrong in deed.

They were currently in the great hall having their lunch. Severus has been quiet for most of the day and Harry was determend to figure out why.

'Hey babe what's up?' Harry asked.

'Oh nothing. Don't worry,' Severus replied sounding nervous.

'Severus Tobias Snape do not lie to me. Something is up and you better tell me now. You don't want what happend to you last time you kept something from me to happen again now do we, so tell me now.' Harry replied standing up.

Severus looked up at him and sighed. 'Fine. But be reminded that I wasn't planning on asking till dinner.'

'Ask me what?'

'Well.' Severus then stood up and walked in front of the staff table and got everybodys attention. 'Everyone please be quiet I have a special anouncment to make.' It got quiet real quickly.

'Thank you. I wasn't planning to do this until dinner but I'm being moaned at for not talking because I'm a bit nervous. So... Harry love would you please come here.' One student soon guessed what was about to happen and was basically jumping on their seat. Harry made his way next to Severus.

'Heyyy Sev. What's going on?' Harry asked sounding nervous having everyones attention on them. His attention was soon placed on Severus as he took Harry's hands.

'Harry, you're my only love and I couldn't live without you-literally-. You can try and try but you wont be getting rid of me anytime soon. There are too many words to describe you, yet so little. If I had to say everything I loved about you we'd be hear until we die -and that's a long time- but I can say how much I love your smile, how much I love your lips, how much I love your eyes, I could get lost in them any time of day and night and not care. Okay I'm taking too long now so, know that I love you Harry, no matter what we go through, I don't care as long as I'm with you.

I'll love you for all eternity.

Harry James Potter would you give me the greatest honour of becoming Harry James Snape nee Potter?' Severus asked getting a box out his pocket and going on one knee. He opened the box showing a beautiful diamond ring.
(If you say no Harry, remember you will have a nasty mob after you.)

'Oh my word..........

YES. YES. YES. YES. YESSSSS. OF COURSE I WILL.' Severus got the ring and put it on Harrys finger as he stood up. Harry lunged at Sev and kissed him, whilst eveyone was screaching in happiness.

'YOU OWE ME 50 MINEVRA!' Draco shouted. Causing Severus and Harry to pull away and glare at the two.

'Just one more hour sev. One.' Minera said. 'Anyway, everyone has the rest of the day off. -I need to get some money from Gringotts.-'

'Let's get out of here shall we.' Severus asked.

'Oh dear god yes,' Harry said kissing Severus again. They went to their chambers and had fun allllll night.

And so... they lived happily ever afte--

'I DONT THINK SO!' Voldemort appeared out of nowhere. 'AVADA KADAV--'

'Nope. I dont think so Tom.'


'Are you that old. I said.... nope, I don't think so Tom. THE SHIP HAS SAILED LEAVE IT BE!'

'Jeeze alright. Stop screaming.'

So they lived happily ever--

'Can I at least cut of his hand?'



So they lived happily ever after.


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Hope you enjoyed the story, I know I did.

Hope you read my other stories. I have another story on the way called 'The forgotten' it is a wrong boy who lived story (wcwl- wrong child who lived).

Sincerely Izzy.

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