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I'm still standing in the same exact spot that she told me to, unmoving. I'm pretty sure I've been put here for more or less a thousand years already.

And yet I see myself, well, another version of myself, I think (that version of me looks brighter, livelier, happier than what I am now) peeking from behind a colourful bush with still-closed, small flowers adorning its tiny branches.

I giggle, the soft sound echoing through the entire garden. Everything feels hazy, unnatural, and it's like... Unreal. I'm not sure what this phenomenon is, exactly. This is the first time I've ever experienced it, something like this. An event where you feel like you are inside it, within it, but you're not, but it feels so real and unreal at the same time that you can't distinguish what's reality and what's not, anymore.

The warp pad shines, the bright light making the crystals close to it sparkle and glimmer. Then there she was, in all her glory; Pink Diamond.

After so long, I see her again in this... Event. Despite the long years of her absence, I can still clearly recall what exactly she looks like. The way her shoulders go up whenever she laughs, the bounce of her hair whenever she jumps in excitement, and her laugh, the most beautiful thing you will ever hear. It's soft, and gentle, like a star's rays shining on you, but it's also distinct and strong, like how a supernova becomes to be. I simply cannot defy it's exact definition with mere words.

I miss her. I will my hand to stretch out to her; to grasp her gloved hands, or even just to get a feel of her ruffly clothing. I... Want to touch her again. I'm longing to be with her, to play with her, to make her happy and entertained, for so, so long.

But my body doesn't comply. I still lay limply standing on my spot. I can't move anything, I can't even speak. What is this sorcery? Why am I immobilized? Why can't she see me? I'm standing here, right in front of her! She's not blind! Please, I want to be out of this game! I don't wan to be a statue anymore...

I can't even cry. I can't sob, or even bite my lip. I could only think, and let these dreadful thoughts scatter in my head and make me anxious, more so than I already am. It's like I have no control over my own body at all. It's unsettling. It's... Scary. I dislike this feeling; no, I hate it. Yes, that's the word... Hate. I don't want to partake in this phenomenon any longer! I want to get away!

But things only get worse.

Pink Diamond has this... Wicked grin displayed in her face, as she walks right past me. Past! Like I'm a non-solid hologram! She then scans around the Garden, her grin widening slowly. It looks scary, that face. Even if it's owner is the one I admire the most, it's still unsettling and gives me chills.

My other self then pops up behind her with a "Surprise!", doing an over exaggerated version of jazz hands. Pink, however, didn't seem surprised at all. Her neck rotates 180° in a disgusting way, and it even cracked as she did so. Her grin, now a maniacal looking one— widens even more upon seeing my other version's face looking up at her with an adoring, good natured smile.

I felt sick.

"Hey there, Spinel." Her voice was different, it didn't sound soft and kind as it always is. Her voice now sounded like an echo of different voices, each one with varying pitch and tone. It sounded like a thousand Gem voices haphazardly recorded together, creating a monstrosity of a sound.

My oblivious self didn't even seen to notice the change. She just happily replied, then asked Pink if she wants to play. The Diamond agrees, grin even more wider now that it actually looks like her mouth is now occupying the half of her face.

"I have a special game for you. I'll show you how it's done. Stay still and look up at me. Yes, perfect. Now..." Her fingers turned long and sharp, shredding her gloves slightly. Then she picked up the other me by the neck, raising her up in the air, dangling.

I suddenly feel like I'm choking, like I'm the one who feels her pain. "Spinel. If you don't make a sound while I squeeze your neck, you win. But if you do, you'll lose. And you'll get a punishment."

Other me rapidly nodded, now looking scared and perturbed. Pink smiles wider, her whole face almost consumed by her mouth alone. Her teeth, they were sharp now. Like an Emerald's, wait no, it's scarier than an Emerald's. It looks like her teeth came from monsters. "Ready, steady, go."

I gasp, feeling my airways close, tighter and tighter. How am I even choking? How is this even happening? Why is Pink do scary? Why am I so oblivious? Why can't I move? Why can't I—

Thoughts stopped, for I feel very lightheaded now. I feel my eyes roll backward, and I feel like I'm going for lose consciousness. The grip tightens, and-

Other me squeaked.

Oh no.

Pink's eyes are gone now, replaced with empty, black voids. "You l o s e."

Her grip tightens mercilessly, nails digging into my flesh, leaving deep, jarred scars, and then she giggles, then chuckles, and became full blown insane laughter. "You are useless!" and then  I delve deep into unconsciousness, retreating into my gem, head spinning, tears welling, heart afraid.

My gem fell on the floor with a clatter.

Then a sickening shatter sound ensues.

I opened my eyes to see the vast sky, full of stars..

I gasp, carefully holding my throat, feeling if there are any scars, then when I found none, I looked down at my chest, observing my gem, looking if it has cracks, or chips, or anything.

There's nothing.

I looked around.

No Pink, nothing.

My breathing evened; I didn't even know I was breathing heavily.

What just happened?


If you don't understand, Spinel got the feeling of what dreaming is like, except it's a nightmare, and she doesn't even know what dreams are. She accidentally slept.

Ty for reading!🖤 uwu uwu

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