Time Travel Concept

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I saw this concept somewhere a few times I cant get enough of it

Basically it's set after the movie, but Steven ends up on the day the Cookie Cats run out

There's already a few fics out there that have a story for this but I have some things aswell hard whips

- Steven gets highkey pissed that something's happening AGAIN but is glad that his powers are at least still good (I know what happened in the movie shh)

- He kinda forgot that everyone used to look up to Rose and for him it's just really awkward now

- He tries to decide if he should play out how his past used to be in hopes of getting back to normal with time, or if he should just. Break it to everyone Im From The Future and try to find a way back faster

- It'll be funny if he just whipped out his shield in front of underdeveloped Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet

- How funny would it be if Steven slipped up and said 'Pink' instead of 'Rose' while talking about his mom and Pearl just b r e a k s down

- While he's 'practicing' fusion dancing with them he accidentally actually fuses with Amethyst and forms Smoky

- Pearl and Garnet are shook

- During Jailbreak he debates if he should let Lapis out, or let her experience the trauma of Malachite so that things become as normal as possible

- But he feels terrible because Lapis absolutely did not deserve any of that and he'll have to find another way to capture Jasper or something

- He does get smacked by Jasper even though he knew how to totally use his powers. when he wakes up he just runs to Ruby, yeets her out and brings her directly to Sapphire

- "Have fun imma get Lapis byyye"

- When they first see Peridot he's all like 'looks like she did lose all of her character development'

- He considers telling the Gems to just go and poof her. Get the Cluster thing out of the way. Ofc Pearl disagrees but Garnet sees his plan and does Peridot's Redemption Arc but earlier I guess

- Wait fuck that means they won't bring back Lapis from space

- Oh no wait, why would he let Lapis fly off into space he needs her

- WaiT but thEn Peri and Lapis wouldn't have their codependent character development if he does those two things

- He sighs in defeat and watches as the Gems break the Galaxy Warp.

- He could probably get out the fact that Rose was Pink sooner if he just. One day asked Pearl to hold his phone.

- If his theory is correct then the pearl inside pearl's etc. would text him and the whole thing can start from there, since it's not actually influenced by anything else that happened before I think

- But they first have to find out about Pink's shattering and Rose's involvement so that it isn't totally random

- Maybe Pearl wouldn't let him because, again, he's only Season 1 Steven and he wasn't emotionally ready enough for it yet

- "Hey Pearl can you hold my phone"

"You're not ready yet, Steven"

- During the Trial he decides to just make it easier on Zircon and tells her that there's no way Rose could've reached Pink

- She still makes the accusation and still gets poofed

- For Lars he'd probably have to wait until the Aquamarine squad show up to abduct them again

- "Why don't you just use ur mAgicAl beLly buTton"

"This magical bellybutton is going to save your self-doubting ass one day Lars"

- The best way for this might be to just get through The Gems' arc first, then Connie's, Peridot and Lapis', Lars', within the time span of about a season


- "Okay so first I have to get Connie into sword stuff, then make Pearl emotional about Rose and think about what she's done... then maybe I'll pulvurize Amethyst's self esteem... Then I'll kill Lars"


- He just needs to get the Pink Diamond thing out of the way, so he can get to the Diamonds and finally Spinel

- And then they live happily ever after again

- SPEAKING OF SPINEL, imagine if Steven just marches towards the Galaxy Warp at the time Peridot fixes it

- He goes to the garden, finds Spinel there

- Tells her about Pink and convinces her to come with him.

- The next day Steven and Spinel warp back to Earth and into his house and Pearl just goes "What the fuck"

Spinel "You..."

Pearl "Uhhh"

Spinel "Pink's pearl... She took you with her, but not me?"

Steven "oh fuck I didn't think this through"

- Spinel proceeds to attack them while she basically reveals the whole Pink is Rose thing to the rest of the CGs and now Steven has to deal with the whole mess of fighting Spinel, and dealing with Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet's emotions about the whole ordeal

- Oh my god they're all a mess

- And it's horrible at the same time cause Pearl still isn't completely over Rose's death and maybe Steven's existence at the time

- Amethyst hasn't dealt with her worth and where she came from

- And Garnet is freaking out because she thought she had everything under control but Steven threw her future vision off track and now she can't fUnctiOn


- Watch the first episodes again and convince me that they wouldn't be tOtally useless in this whole fight against this Homeworld gem that belonged to a Diamond whose Steven's mom "killed"

- Anyway after that is over

- Spinel recovers but still hides away in the barn. Steven regularly checks on her to see if she's okay

- He realizes this would be a bad idea because it would develop unhealthy habits so he just convinces her to live in the bathroom

- Then Steven has The Talk

- Pearl "Steven I don't understand how did you find out, how did you find her, how did you do evErytHing-"

- Amethyst "Dude what tf happened, what's happening, and why nOw-"

- Garnet unfuses and Sapphire goes on an Elsa freezing spree over the ocean while Ruby goes to the barn and burns it down

- Or smn like that. Although Sapphire may be more freaked out than Ruby, but Ruby is still kinda pissed cause Rose didn't tell them this, Sapphire's future vision got fucked, and is just really upset for the right reasons.

- Steven yikes

- lmaooo it would be funnier if this happened during Future. imagine looking after little Steevo going through teenage angst, stress and PTSD and everything, who has his powers TOO in control to the point where Pink Diamond's powers begin showing up, whilst also knowing way more about Rose than you do

I will add more

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