steven and pink diamond

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So I read the theory about Steven's gem still being under the effects of Spinel's Rejuvenator. Essentially, Steven's human side was able to "come back" once he was able to control his powers again. But his Gem half has a long long way to go. The theory describes how his Gem got struck so many times that Pink Diamond was able to "come back" in his Gem.

It's a whole lot deeper than it seems, because while Steven's weird biology has already been established, Pink physically cannot come out of her gem and kill Steven. Instead, Pink's entire character development got reset. So through the entire series, Steven's Gem housed Rose's love for him (?) to put it crudely. When it was reset, that disappeared, and i guess now Pink has no idea how she turned into Steven.

And while Steven still kept his own memories and emotions, mixing that with Pink's uncontrollable rage and destructive powers equal the perfect plot device.

So how would Steven get Rose's side of his Gem back? Knowing Pink had to hurt someone she loves in order to mature....

Steven has to kill Greg.

In all seriousness though, I read someone's comment and they said that essentially, Pink Diamond is "back" in Steven, noting how Pink Steven in CYM said that she was "gone". And I realized that this could be a path to the Diamonds' redemption, because I believe that the Diamonds don't truly believe Pink's gone.

I guess they just accepted that she'd "become Steven", and even when Steven tells them that she doesn't exist anymore, maybe they've always expected Pink to come back somehow. She's just acting like this so they'll do whatever she wanted in the meantime.

With this theory in mind, there may be an episode where the Diamonds recognize Pink Steven's destructive powers, White Diamond may briefly turn evil again for a whole range of reasons, and Steven has to work into bringing back "Rose" (Pink's matured self). A Perfect set up for the pink White Diamond thing in the promo.

It's interesting that the show chose to air Volleyball so early too, because Peeps tells us what Pink Diamond was like in her younger years. I don't think they would just give us this information out of nowhere, maybe to complete and give both Pearls the full picture of Pink, but it just seems unrelated as a whole. So Volleyball may as well be foreshadowing with this logic.

If Steven were to do a Change Your Mind on us/get his Gem pulled out again, if this theory proves right there's a chance Pink herself would reform. And this would probably be a "terrible plot device" to a lot of critical fans, because come on, we've spent half of Season 5 and the movie explaining that Pink's gone, and she just comes back just like that?

Although this would also be a good way to get Pink back. Have her see that she's hurt Steven when she seperated from him. The Diamonds being overbearing on her. Their redemption would result from seeing Pink "coming back" before their eyes, and would involve knowing that she was truly gone, and that there's nothing they can do but change for the better. Something like that.

And for people mentioning how it could all just be normal teenage hormones, that's a complete possibility as well. Although I'm sure many have noticed that Steven has suffered stress like this a few years ago, and his powers and he as a character in general were more "Rose-like". He was more composed despite having full control if his powers as he is now.

Suddenly, after the movie, he's become more brash, emotional, and irritable. And sad, and is as stressed as he was before. He's got new powers we've only seen in CYM where the main focus of the story was Pink Diamond. If you look at the series in the right way, it all comes together.

This can also make way for the Steven Corruption/Monster Worm Boi theory.

Then of course this could be completely wrong. let's just wait and see what happens. people hated the peridot redemption but we moved on. people hated the pink diamond reveal but we moved on.

I swear if steven actually has to kill greg or connie or something im setting myself on fire. lars was enough D-:

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