short Cheerleaders AU thing

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Spinel drew in her breath. "GIVE ME A Y!!", her voice cracked into her megaphone.

The crowd resonated her command like an echo. Spinel smirked, good.

"GIVE ME AN E!!" The crowd echoed.

"GIVE ME AN E!!" The crowd echoed.

"GIVE ME A T!!" The crowd echoed. Her smile was wide and stupid, as Yelp frantically tried to bring her away.

"WHAT DOES THAT SPELL!?" Bloop was recording everything, as the crowd collectively shrieked,


People on both the bleachers and the field screamed in unison at this impossible feat. Coaches blew their whistles as they tried to calm the absolute chaos Spinel had spawned.

This is probably 100% inaccurate I based this off what I see in tv shows lmao

au by kyoryo on tumblr go look at it

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