Wednesday 8th

907 38 2

Dear Diary

The moment I walked into school this morning I could just tell something was off; people were either looking at me weird, or wispering under their breath as I passed. It was the strangest thing, and having Brad give me a death-glare in first period was ever so uncomfortable. My second lesson wasn't any better, as when I sat down next to Harley there were people looking over expectantly or suprised. I couldn't understand why on earth this was going on, but I found out at break time when I went to give Flash the homework he'd made me do.

"So, you're a queer and a snitch, huh?" He accused, snatching the papers from me as soon as I walked up to him. I had no clue what he was taking about and it obviously showed. "Oh, dont play dumb with me, Parker. Besides it's too late now to make exuses."

I took a step back as I connected the dots, and then imediatly said I hadn't told anyone, but he replied with, "Oh yeah? Then why did your friend MJ lecture me yesterday evening about me blackmailing you, hm?"

My confusion was ever so clear to him now. I didn't tell her anything, and I was certain that Ned wouldn't have either. The bell for period three rang before anything else could be said, and we were forced to part. I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

I did however see MJ at lunch and I had a lot to say. Well, kind of. I had a lot I wanted to say, a lot of questions to ask, and some sort of apology to demand I guess, but I didn't end up saying any of this, as before I could open my mouth, MJ began apologising and explaining herself unprompted. Apparently she'd overheard Flash blackmailing me, but didn't know why or what he'd do if I told. She decided that the best thing to do would be confronting him. It was because of that, Flash thought I'd snitched to her, and consequently told the whole school that I'm gay, or bi, or whatever.

She kept on apologising for it, but at that point I wasn't upset with her anymore, she had the best intentions when she did that, and, to be fair, I can't blame her for Flash being a jerk.

Now the question was, what now? What do I do now that people know? Surely they'll judge me or think I'm wierd, right? I asked Ned and MJ this, and they both said it'd be fine, that it'd all blow over and within a week no one will care anymore, and to be fair they're probably right about that, I just have a bad feeling about it, y'know.

Flash's bullying is gonna get worse for sure, and Brad seemed... well I'm not sure... like he's mad at me? It's probably nothing to worry about, though. Right?

Later on today, Harley came up to me and asked what was going on, as he'd also been getting weird looks and a few comments from people. I had to explain everything to him, apologising, low key feeling at least partially responsible for all this. He assured me that it wasn't my fault at all, but I was still unconvinced.

He then asked for the name of the student who'd done this, but I figured it wouldn't be good if he knew; Harley would probably confront Flash if he did and that would be unnecessary.

So yeah, that's what happened today, and I am 110% not ready for tomorrow, but tbh I should probably focus on here and now atm, and what I really want to do now is sleep. Goodnight.


[Auther's note: sry again for not updating sooner, also there are probably a ton of spelling mistakes cuz I hate proof reading. Anyway, hope you liked this]

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