This means war*

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"MASON" His head snapped towards my direction. He was currently leaning on a locker talking to some girl in a lower grade then us. She was smiling and twirling her hair. I rolled my eyes stomped over there grabbing his ear.

"Excuse me, i have to take player mick player and show him around. He can tell you all the dirty things he'd do to you later." I pulled him away while he was yelling every cuss word in the book. We turned the corner and i let go of his ear, standing up to him.

"Listen i have things to do and test to study for so if you're not going to take this seriously then find someone else to show you around!" I let go of his shirt and he smoothed out his wrinkles. "You're lucky i'm not aloud to hit girls." He grunts and follows me occasionally making smart remarks. We stopped in front of his first class which of course we have together. We got there just after the teacher, Mrs.Blue had started to class.

She clears her throat and ask, "Alexandria. Why are you late." I put on hand on my hip facing my archenemy. No matter how hard i work she always gives me a B . One time me and one of the smartest people in the class worked on the same project together she gave him an A and still gave me a B saying, I let him do all of the work. More like he barely helped.

Before i could say anything Mason spoke up, "She was showing me around miss...."

Blue! Call me Mrs.Blue. I'm guessing you're Mason! Callums brother?" Their was fire in her eyes and i wanted to puke. But i took this time to sit in my seat before she noticed i was getting away.

"Yes Mam" He held out his hand for her to shake it and she gently took it. Everyone else seem to not care enough to pay attention to her mood, her sexual mood. Every girl was starring at Mason and the guys we're playing on their phone.

"Okay! Take a seat, You can sit anywhere." He looked around the class then he spotted me. He didn't realize a lot of girls moving their books and bags off the table so he can sit. He just decided he was going to sit right across from me next to some blonde bimbo who uncrossed her legs . I rolled my eyes, but he didn't seem to notice her. The teacher continued class and i drifted off into LaLa land.

I remember those games we use to play as kids; Mother May I, Green light yellow light red light, Simon says and a bunch more. But my favorite was hide n go seek. I remember running around our neighborhood in the summer time, my pigtails and my summer dress. But I remember one day we were playing, that was the day I had my first kiss. Kissing was something you do when you love each other, or at least like. And boy did I hate him alright.

*I remember running through the woods behind my house as I heard Callum counting. Everyone ran in different directions I ran to the same spot I always go to, the tree house. I climb the ladder and made my way inside and there sat my arch nemesis Mason, Callum's step brother. Ever since I can remember Mason hated me, and only me. He was sweet to everyone except me.

"You have to go , I always hide here!" I stomp my foot. And cross my arms, He blinked a few times and laid back.

"First come first serve crybaby. Beat it pickle" I hate when he calls me that. I stomped over to where he was and tried to drag him out and started yelling at him to leave.

"Shut up hes gonna hear us!" He yelled at me, I still had a good grip on him trying to pull him, but he wasn't budging.

"God you weigh a hundred pounds"

"And you wreak of pickles!"

"Well that's why you mom likes me better!" I started yelling again. I can see callum getting closer but I don't think I cared then.

"Shut up hes getting closer"

"And your-"

And that's when our lips crashed and I let of his arm and we fell. He was on top of me breathing hard with a hand over my mouth. I didn't know what to do, He kissed me. He stole my first kiss. I licked his hand but he didn't budge. When callum go farther away he got off of me and leaned against the wall, still breathing heavy. I was laying there still in shock. Then it hit me again that he stole my first kiss. I went over to him and slapped him square in the face and ran. While I was freaking out in the back of my head on what I was gonna do he was following me .I did the most logical this I thought I could do at the moment, I went back to his house and told on him. While I thought everything would be better after I heard his mom yelling at him, but in the back of his head he just declared war on me"

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