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((Ugh I'm awful at starting stories so bear with me, however, this story is dedicated to the beautiful miggiisawesome thank chu for the story idea fam!))

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((Ugh I'm awful at starting stories so bear with me, however, this story is dedicated to the beautiful miggiisawesome thank chu for the story idea fam!))

Katsuki drummed his fingers on the table he was sitting at, wearing his familiar pouted scowl. He paid no mind to sound of someone tripping over heels as Mitsuki twirled into view. "Ta-Daaaaaa~" she announced doing a spin a ruffly flamenco dress. Katsuki gave her a deadpan look "You do realise it's a tango dance class, not flamenco." he stated matter-of-a-factly. Mitsuki took little to no notice of Katsuki's usual grumpy demeanour, "I think it will be great!" she countered, the teen just 'tch'ed  in response

The phone rang- Mituski stumbled over to it, her heels making and unnatural click-clacking sound. "Hello?" there was a voice sounding stressed on the other line. "Oh..." Mitsuki responded to the voice. Suddenly, her face lit up "It's alright honey, I have an idea! You do what you need to do!' She said excitably slamming the phone back on to its handle with over-excitement. 

Mitsuki spun around to look at her son who was ignoring her with great levels of expertise. "Katsukiiiiii~" she approached him with a sing-song voice putting her hands on his shoulders "Your father can't make it to our tango classes at all this week, he's swamped with work..." Katsuki made a deep and throaty growl. He knew what she was leading up to.

"I need you to be my dance partner for the first week of classes-" "No." Katsuki interrupted barely giving Mistuki a moment to finish her sentence, in response to his rude behaviour Mitsuki removed a hand from his shoulder and smacked the back of his head. "...! What the fuck woman!? I said no, I'm not doing your stupid dance classes!" he snarled.

"And I'm saying I don't care! You're coming! And don't use that fucking kind of language in this house!" she responded with an even a more hostile tone than Katsuki used. Angry crimson eyes met another pair of narrowed ones. They were stuck in a staring match before Mitsuki slapped Bakugou from behind the head again causing him to bow his head and he mumbled out some form of agreement with a string of profanities attached to it.


As Mitsuki click-clacked into the dance room, Katsuki trudged behind her kicking his feet along every rock, ledge or minor obstacle in the area he placed his feet. "Katsuki. Pick up your feet." Mitsuki disciplined - Katsuki just sneered at her from behind. "Ahh! Mrs Bakugou! Zere  you are my dah-ling!" ( I will say very quickly "Zere" was an intentional spelling I'm making him one of those guys that put z's on everything)  A very fit and tight-jean-wearing dance instructor approached the Bakugou's. 

"I zee your husband has decided not to come today...?" The instructor looked over Mitsuki's shoulder purposefully ignoring Bakugou. "Well, I-" Mitsuki started but the dance instructor overlapped "It is alright dah-ling! You can dance with me!" He announced doing jazz hands. Bakugou was about to pipe up when he realised this is was his opportunity to get out of dancing "HEY- ... nevermind" he mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. He lumbered over to a chair in the back of the room and plopped himself into it over-dramatically. 

A few minutes passed as the tango class commenced and Katsuki watched with disgust how bad his mother was at dancing. She kept tripping over her dress and heels at the same time somehow. As the mariachi music quickened in its pace a flurry of (S/C) and (H/C) bounded into the room. You stopped and looked around at everyone staring at you with unamused looks "Uhm... Sorry, I'm late Mr Adriano" You said sheepishly scratching the back of your head. 

"Just..." the now apparent Adriano started, pinching the bridge of his nose "Find a partner." He seethed, his whole fancy façade dissolving as he spoke to you. You scanned the room with distaste, finding that no one was free and yet if they were, you still wouldn't want to partner with them. When you thought all hope was lost, you turned to find a handsome ash-blonde scowling at you, his sharp features slightly perked with curiosity.

You broke out into a devilish grin. You lightly traipsed over to him and without shame, in front of everyone, you whispered into his ear "Would you... mind? Being my partner?" before Bakugou could respond with 'Yes, I do mind!' you grabbed his arm and pulled him onto to the dance floor as the mariachi music initiated again. You lead him through the dance with an iron grip on his shoulder and hand not letting him escape.

You twirled and danced to the music with him. Well... more like forcing him to. He glared at you the entire time witheringly as you had to force his hand up so you could twirl, and you had to push him with the weight in your hands as the two of you danced back and forth. He soon made himself limp realising you weren't giving in any time soon. You were the first to break the ice "'Bout time eh?" you questioned referring to him loosening up with a Cheshire grin across your face. Katsuki didn't respond but as soon as that smile broke across your face, he was aware of your hand resting on his shoulder, your hand in his and how close you two were- He felt his heart start to clench. 

He grunted, uninterested, to shake off this sickening feeling. You started to become more erratic in your movements no longer following the teachings of Adriano. Your grip on Katsuki's shoulder released and you let yourself twirl out and dip as Katsuki pulled you back out of sheer surprise allowing you to execute the move perfectly as you positioned yourself as before, only with your hand resting on the back of his neck instead.   "What the fuck you do you think you're doing?" he seethed into your ear. You quirked a brow and smirked "Having fun" Katsuki growled and gripped your hand tighter to prove he wasn't dicking around.

As the dance finished 'Instructor Tight Jeans' stalked over to you "Don't be late next time" he said stiffly then proceeded to escort his other students out of the room. You turned to Bakugou "I hope to see you here tomorrow" you said smoothly, almost poetically, causing Katsuki to almost blush. "Yeah? Well... don't count on it" he grunted and went back to trudging behind Mitsuki. 

Ouch this was bad. Hope y'all liked though

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