Chapter 12: Cornered

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Heart of the Infiltrators

(Senran Kagura x Male Reader)


Chapter 12: Cornered


Upon seeing the young man turn his back to her, Haruka placed her freehand to her hip and rested the phone under her chin. Taking in her height over the young man with a domineering smile on her face, she tiptoed forward until her breasts were barely a centimeter off from his upper back. Taking in a soft breath, she whispered in her sultry voice, "Won't you take your phone back?"

"I don't know you."

The young man's voice came out quick and solid, though his tense posture told Haruka more than enough that he was fully aware of his position in the situation. Pulling a bit at the collar of her sweater, Haruka revealed a calculated amount of cleavage before speaking again, "Oh~? Have you forgotten all of our... activities~ from yesterday? All the fun that we had?"

Though the young man quickly swirled himself around with a stern look in his eye, his shoulder blew straight into the smiling girl's chest before she extended her arm to pull him inward. As she squished into his side and her breath began to fog his glasses, the young man felt his face begin to burn and itch in embarrassment. But, knowing the situation, he composed himself and prepared to firmly dissociate himself from the girl just as she was slipping his phone into her purse.

"Let me go. I don-" but his voice was cut off when she trailed a gentle finger down the back of his neck with a cheerful hum.

"My~, is that your weak spot? Sorry I couldn't... sate it during our fun yesterday."

As fellow passengers aboard the train took in the overt sexuality she was placing into the scene before them, the young man tried to stifle the shudder that went down the back of his spine before attempting to speak again. But, compared to his firm voice from before, he barely squeaked, "I don't know you..."

Another sharp breath from Haruka's nostril fogged his glasses before her eyes turned dangerous. Narrowing down on him with the same seductive shape, the aggression and malevolence was all laid out in the crooked smile she gave him. Then she uttered, "Then I'll remind you tonight..."

The young man pulled away, but her hand remained firm against the back of his head to keep him in place. Even as the train came to a stop, Haruka made sure that his eyes did not leave hers. If he ever dared to look helplessly at any of the other passengers, she would make a humming noise before scratching a nail against his scalp. Once the doors opened, he pulled again with a weak mutter, "Get off..."

"Do you need to go to school today?" she asked in a singsong voice, "Rather than answering some elderly man's questions, wouldn't you like to answer mine?"

By this point, the young man began to bolster his resistance before attempting to push away again, "I already told you to let me go. I don't know you."

Still, Haruka maintained an unbending grip, "I know I'd like to ask you many things. For example... You know Homura, yes?"

With hints of panic, the young man snarled, "I don't know you or Homura. Let me go."

"It's funny," she said before resting her chin against his forehead, "You said you were a year younger than Homura and someone else told us you were a second-year student..." she rose her head and craned the young man's up to look at her, "So is Homura... or, rather, she was a second-year student. The question: do you know how that is?"

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