Chapter 43: Red Yōma

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Heart of the Infiltrators

(Senran Kagura x Male Reader)

Chapter 43: Red Yōma (Battle Through the Streets Part II)

Just under a minute before the public cried in the face of a coming Hell, Sato was still hiding underneath the stairs outside the young man's apartment. Since the very moment that Tsao showed up and the Hebijo shinobi moved to defend their comrades, the girl feared that she would be the next victim of the surrounding battle and hid herself away in hopes to not be seen. Unfortunately, since she was mostly out of sight, the shinobi left her behind after the young man intervened between them and the violent infiltrator. Of course, considering the fact that she would have done the same thing, Sato didn't blame them. Yet, when she realized she had no viable defense if Tsao came around again, the girl grappled back onto the roof, retrieved the unused dignitary explosive from earlier, and then retreated back under the stairs. Other than blowing herself and any potential attacker up, she knew that there wasn't much of a defense to be had with it but, at the same time, there was something oddly comforting about holding a device that could level a small building.

All of the ease that Sato felt with it immediately went away when she heard the sound of a grappling wire grinding in the wind. Seeking to ward off whoever was coming, she slinked her finger into the pin and was prepared to pull it out. Then the young man swung out from one of the nearby alleys and a slight wave of relief overcame her. Once Sato clambered out from under the stairs and was in sunlight, the boy yelled over to her, "Where'd everyone go!?" as he landed and rolled onto the ground.

No longer paying much attention to the device in her hand, the girl pointed down the street, "They began to run along the buildings after that one... guy, if you can call him that, flew off."

Grunting in acknowledgement before taking a moment to think, the young man pinched his chin and asked, "They left you behind?"

Sato nodded, "I was hiding at the time so..." and then shrugged, "They must've just thought that I... ran away...?"

"You didn't think to go after them?" asked the boy, his eyelids drooping with harsh judgment.

Shamefully dropping her gaze to the ground, Sato murmured, "By the time my head cleared and that idea came, they were already gone... and I didn't want to fly around on the streets while those infiltrators were still around..."

Grunting again, the young man took a breath and began to go over the current situation. Yet, when he started to think about what had just transpired with the infiltrators and the fact that Haruo had been shooting at him just a bit before, his head started to roar in pain. Between the three people gunning for him and all of the near misses that he had with death, the weight just too much for even a focused mind to handle. But, mostly thanks to the device on his wrist, he didn't come close to fainting like before. Instead, after thanking every deity above for the fact that Haruo backed off for whatever reason, he just said to Sato, "Right then..." as he waved his arm, "let's see if we can't catch up-," before he was cut off by what sounded like a loud explosion.

On instinct alone, both teenagers dived to the ground and covered their heads as a bright glow outshined all manner of light. Seconds later, a massive shockwave winded through the streets and screamed over the buildings, hurling all manner of debris and rubble into the air. A few rocks smashed into the windows of the apartment, causing Sato to scream, "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" while she clutched onto her explosive for dear life.

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