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"My name is Maple."

A group of us sit around the girl we found on Trader Yohan's ship in the Great Hall.  The girl was freezing and hungry when we found her , so now she sots infront of the giant fire with blanket around her and she picks at a chicken leg. 

"Where are you from, Maple," I ask.

"Probably someplace beautiful," Snotlout flirts.  I ram him in the ribs with my elbow at the comment.  Not the time Snotlout.

Maple blushes slightly,  "From an Island far away from here.  My family and I were on our way to leave it but there was this terrible accident on the sea. "  Her expressions tells me she was he only one to make it out alive. 

Maple continues the story, "I almost drowned, but luckily I was closest to shore so I swam there.  The island was full of people and the fjord was busy.  I figured I could climb onto one of the empty ships for a while and rest.  I was too tired to do anything else.  And that ship just happened to be Yohan's"

I nod.  I can't tell if I buy the story or not; I wish Astrid were here.  She would know if it was true or not; but for now it was going to have to be enough.


"You can stay here until...sometime," I say.  Maple stands far away from me looking at the house.  I touch the familiar front door.  It's vancant insides make me sad and depressed; I try not to think abosut it. 

"Wow. Thanks?" Maple says, amazed.

"I know it's much, but it is why not use it." I explain.

I look at the familiar divits in the walls and door.  The cracks in the wood, I look up to see a dragon strutcure on the roof.  Everything still a fresh wound.

I am so lost in my memories that I don't hear Maple the first time she says my name.

"Hiccup?" Mapel asks.

I turn my head sharply and my hands fall to my side.  Maple has long auburn hair that falls over her large chocoalte brown eyes.  Freckles dot her red tinted cheeks and she hugs her thin body.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Who lived here?" Maple asks.

I turn away and begin to blush but then a wave of hurt washes over me and I feel my stomach drop.  I finally get the courage to say ," Her name was Asteid."

Just talking about her in the past tense made tears fill my eyes.  I couldn't make eye contact with Maple. 

"Was?" Maple asks.

Is shrug, "Well we don't exactly know where she is."

Maple nods slowly, "Was she your-"

I cut her off; this topic is just too hard to talk about, "Yes.  Now the bedroom us up the stairs.  Luckily Astrid just built this house on her own; so you don't have to worry about any other people.  I eill come and check up on you every once in a while."

I push open the door and lead Maple into the house.  I talk fast so in can avoid any more hard questions, "Oh, and don't be alarmed if there are dragons shaking your housr in the morning.   They all miss her and Stormfly."

Maple just stares at me wide eyes as she tries to take in everything I had just said.  I quickly walk out the door and say good night and I walk out but not before I hear her say, "dragons?"


Well, thoughts?  I know it was short but I kind of have writers block right now....but I have a few ideas I can still work up to.

Tell me what you guysof this extemely short chapter...thoughts on Maple??

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