Part 2

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Wild has never been to a gambling den before. Oh sure, he's been to that gambling hut in Lurelin village, but that place only had one game- and Wild was sure it was rigged. This establishment was nice and wished he could have time to enjoy it. At least he was inside the building. Legend, Wind and Swords had to stay outside. The bouncer at the door didn't believe they were of age and barred them access, much to Warrior's great amusement.

The rest of the group found a table near the back and ordered a few drinks while they scanned the building. Once they spotted Jasper, Time downed the rest of his milk and walked over. As the others engaged in talk, Wild focused on eating the free chips and salsa the waitress gave them.

"How can you eat so much of that?" Sky asked, staring at him. "It's so spicy!"

The salsa was bright green, filled to the brim of onions, tomatoes, and peppers of every variety. Wild shrugged and dipped another tortilla chip in it, popping it into his mouth. "It's good."

"I swear, you have no taste buds." Sky chose to eat his tortilla chips plain.

Twilight was in the middle of drinking a pint of beer when he noticed Time walking back. "Oh, he doesn't look happy..."

"That bastard," Time hissed once he got to the table. He grabbed a nearby chair and flopped down upon it. "He said he wanted six million rupees in exchange for information."

"Was he being serious?"

"He said he was. But I think he only said it to throw me off."

Sky stood up. He brushed tortilla crumbs off his chest. "Let me try. He probably only wanted you to put your money where your mouth is. Hold on, I need to borrow this..."

He reached out and snatched Warrior's rupee bag from his hip.

"Hey!" Warriors protested.

"I'll give it back," Sky said. "Unless Jasper takes up on my offer. Either way, it's a win-win."

Wild continued to eat the salsa.

Sky came back only a few minutes later, wordlessly handing back the rupee bag to Warriors.

"Wouldn't budge?" Time asked.

"I don't think going back a third time is going to help," Sky said. "The harder we try, the more stubborn he'll get."

Twilight hummed. "I think we need to try a different course. Get his guard down somehow. Maybe we can bribe a pretty waitress to-"

Wild looked up from his salsa. Twilight immediately cut himself off.

"No," he said. "No, don't even think about it-!"

"What's going on?" Asked Hyrule.

Wild shoved the last of the salsa down his gullet. He ignored Twilight's protests and stood up. "Don't worry guys, I got this."


Jasper better hurry up and give the location of the sacred forest or else Wild was going to take that overly large hat of his and shove it down his damn throat.

He's never had to flirt for so long before. When he's in the Gerudo outfit, men practically throw themselves down at Wild's feet at the mere sight of him. He rarely had to make an effort.

But goddamn it, dare he say it? Jasper was a gentleman.

Other men wouldn't hesitate copping a feel. The amount of times Wild felt someone's hand on his ass was staggering. No damn wonder the Gerudo didn't allow men into their city if that's the shit they had to endure every day. Jasper however kept his hands to himself. While it was refreshing to speak to a man and not worry about getting molested, Wild only planned this conversation lasting only five minutes. He wanted to get back to his chips.

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