Chapter 4: Trouble in Faron Woods

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     Link ran over to Epona. Colin had moved to the middle of the yard. Link hopped on Epona and rode into the woods. They saw Beth in the clearing.

     "Talo and Malo went toward the woods" She said quickly.

     Link nodded and went on. Malo stood in the next clearing and pointed toward the woods. Link hurried on and knew something was off. The woods were crawling with monsters. Deku plants rose out of the ground. He sliced through them as fast as he could. He worked his way to a toward a path that led to a house with a small fire. A boy sat nearby. Link walked over to him. The boy looked up.

     "Oh! An Ordonian! My name's Coro. Would you like some lantern oil?" The boy said, "You don't seem to have a lantern. Here. You can have my spare. I haven't had any visitors in while."

     Coro handed Link the lantern. Link asked him if he had the key to the gate that led to the northern part of the woods. Coro handed him a small metal key. Link thanked him and headed through the gate. On the other side, Deku plants and other monsters covered every inch of the woods. Link drew his sword ready for battle. The monsters attacked and Link sliced through them with honed precision. He quickly made his way out of the mess.

     The last two monsters ran as Link chased them. When they stopped, Link noticed a shop with a parrot watching over it. Frightened by the sudden appearance, the bird quickly hid under his wings. Link finished off the monsters. The bird peeked through his wings.

     "Hey kid! Thanks for the save. I thought I was a goner" It told Link. Link nodded and went on. Not too far off, he saw cage holding Talo and the monkey. The cage was guarded by two monsters wielding clubs. Link sprinted up the path toward them and the cage, sword in hand. He sliced through the monsters and destroyed the cage. The monkey jumped for joy and Talo thanked him. On the way home Link promised that he wouldn't tell his father. Talo ran home.

     Rusl walked up to Link. Rusl explained that Colin told him about the insident.

     "Link? Have you noticed strange things going on in the woods? The children could have gotten hurt today. You did good job of saving Talo. You should head home and get some rest. Tommorrow you head for Castle Town" He told him. They went toward the village. What's going on? The woods are usually peaceful, Link thought on the way home. Little did he know he would soon find out.

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