Mtara 6

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Hauwanga answers phone on loud speaker:  Hello Bishop.

Bishop: Hey Wangii, are you guys watching movies?

Hauwanga: Aha I'm in the room updating my portfolios.

Bishop: Where is Liz? She's not picking my calls.?

Hauwanga: Hum sh....

Bishop cuts in: Well tell me are you guys fine and do you have a comfortable time at home ?

Hauwanga: O yes all is well Bish, just the crickets that seem to be performing outside

Bishop cuts in with laugher :Well we are so use to the songs they perform.

Hauwanga laughts along and poor Liz is buttoning her gown  getting ready to go back into the  house.
Captured by  the eye Hauwanga cuts off  Bishop.

Hauwanga :Hey man Bishop I quickly have to take this incoming call .

Liz with arms crossed and a strange stare at Hauwanga: " Am I the incoming call"
Hauwanga: Huh🙄 nope your beauty is the caller.

Liz: ha ha ha ha ha 😏 you know you just lied twice?, first to my dad and now to me aren't you ashamed of yourself ?.

Hauwanga: ag Liz please, that's not even an inch of a lie , call it a joke.
I mean your beautiful chest and your curved hips makes my whole body respond to the call of your inner particulars.

Liz is shocked and vexed : OMG!!!! shame on you!!! Bye you need Christ to deliver you.

Hauwanga: "Liz calm down.
Can't I even try sweetness on you." Eish idiot needs to be taught manners.

Liz in calm anger leaves the guest room: sweetness on me ?
Night Wangii.

As Liz is walking back into the house, she tries to replay the scene that just took place in the  guest room outside.
In a silly childish tone

Liz: "hey man Bishop I quickly have to take this incoming call" but this idiot thinks lying is cool mmmhhh "your beauty is the caller " eish.

Liz enters the house locks all the doors and head's to her room.

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Is Liz really mad at Hauwanga or is she perhaps having mood swings ?

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