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Been working out with different kind of sports alone. I did learned but guess what? INTRAMURAL's over 😂

But what I love the most is Badminton. I've been playing it after school with Gail or with the other students in badminton club.

And there I met Adrian. He's a member of the school's badminton club. He was a year older than me, and badminton's was the reason of delaying his Graduation. He usually go out of town to compette with different schools and he is trully amazing!

* After Class *

"I heard you play badminton after class?" I was surprise when I heard Ron at my back. I slowly turn my head and saw him wearing his White Vneck Shirt and Jersey Short (Remember the one he wore the first time we played?)

"Oh Yeah!" I exclaimed "I mean yes! Been working on it and the results quite great!"

"Really?" Gave me a questioning look.

I know the first time he taught me was awful. I mean , I could not even hit the shuttlecock with that wide racket? Imagine? A total turn off.

I didn't respond. "Oh well, I will see it myself"

Out of words. Yes, if he was like that I was out of words, speechless. He is affecting my entire system. And I am not used to it. I have this reasoning skills and no one can ever make me speechless except Ron.
Maybe because you like him-My thought.

"What do you mean?" I said. I know what he meant , but I dont know why I asked.

"Lets play!" He smirked and raised his rackets (Yes plural since he brought 2).
And I found myself following his path.

(Badminton Court)

"Great that its only you and me here" He suddenly turned in my direction and wink.
Damnit! He's really good at shutting me.

"Yeah! A very good time to play"

As we go along, I am learning his way of playing and I hate because he is making me tired. Run here and there. And he was surprised that I also did that against him. And I won! See? Thats how hardworks worked.

"You're a veterans now!" He laughed.

"Tss, thanks to myself" I said without looking at him. I wiped my sweat and decided to go home. "I will l---"

"Can we have dinner after this?" He suddenly said that stopped my saying I will leave.

"What? Am I hearing it right?"

He nodded. I saw his cheek got red.

"You're asking me out?" I repeat.

"Yes!" He said and picked his stuffs and went out the gym without looking

I smiled as I knew he was shy. I fixed my stuffs with an average pace thinking he might change mind because I haven't said yes. But as I walked and was out from the Gym I saw him outside, standing and waiting?

"Lets Go!" He said when He saw me.

"Yeah Sure!" And we walk together out of the school.

- - - -


I felt numb when I read the school's newspaper headline. And the Picture was me and Ron. Twas when we both got outside together for the unplanned dinner. I fckn dont know what to do. I can't think really well.

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