-The beginning after the end-

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It was a few weeks after the whole armageddon, hell vs heaven war and all of that. Trust me that was not fun for the two let us say out of place supernatural beings, here since the beginning, together. Like normal, they were having lunch at some random sushi shop Aziraphale loved and adored. Crowley just dragged along like normal. Loving to spend every second he can with his wonderful, amazing, and surprisingly adorable angle. "What do you have planned today angle?" Crowley spoke up after a while of silence, which he very much didn't enjoy at the moment. "Nothing much, Just clean up the book shop a bit. Why do you ask dear?" Aziraphale said as he wiped his mouth gently with a napkin. He looked at Crowley, confused, but also gentle as can be. Crowley stares at him back. "Well maybe we can go to, I dont know. An old bookshop in Russia?" Crowley shrugged. He knew Aziraphale adored books. and specifically found a book shop he hasn't been to yet so that he could be alone with Aziraphale. "That sounds splendid!" Aziraphale said excitedly, kind of like a child who has been handed a new toy they wanted for their birthday. The two asked for the bill, so they could leave. Even though they were both supernatural and helped the end of the world not happen, Aziraphale still insisted they pay for whatever they did, be it entertainment, or food.  Crowley thought they ought to leave right away so that they could spend more time at the bookshop. "What do you think Angle, We miracle our way halfway across the world?" He said smirking. "I guess we ought to, being on an airplane does make me sick, and sense our head offices are now, i guess remotely scared of us we can't get in trouble for to frivolous miracles." Aziraphale spoke. "Okay well, here we go, Angle." Crowley chuckled as he grabbed his angles hand and teleported them both all the way to Moscow, Russia. He mainly used that as an excuse to hold his angles hand. This city was definitely much brighter then London square, with all the red and yellow buildings. And of course, very much cared about their nature there. Crowley looks around a notices someone staring at the two. He scared them with his weird head, snake trick. And like normal they passed out. To be honest it was very funny to him almost all the time. Aziraphale sighed as he got someone to help the poor man. "Well, This is a very nice place. Thank you for taking me here Crowley." Aziraphale smiled.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter cause I for sure did. This will be more emotional, maybe even more than my country humans book. But not at the start. I have a lot planned for this one, so i might majorly work on this one more than my others. Well, that's all! i hope you all enjoyed and continue reading this book! I love you all <3

-From, Kyle The Author-

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