What are you talking about?

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Crowley has been acting a little off since we have arrived here. It makes me nervous to see him so nervous. I mean the last time that wasn't the best of it. Im, sure he will be fine!

I sat down and stared out the window, My it was so pleasing outside. I just wanted to sit down out there and enjoy this planet that SHE made. I am so glad it didn't end when it was supposed to. But im a little upset that I can't be part of the angel's anymore. But I know I wouldn't be able to see Crowley and his weird habits that I love. Yes, I dont care about saying it anymore. Should I hold back anymore? I dont have to follow all those rules now, And Crowley doesn't half too. I quietly listen to Crowley cursing himself out. He shouldn't treat himself like that, but I know I cant stop him. Crowley after a while comes over with two plates of food that are on the verge of looking burnt. "Why thank you" I smile at him which caused a light blush to appear on his face. I look down flustered and start eating. Though Crowley didn't. He just stared at me. Intently. "Yes, Dear?" I ask nicely and in a respectful manner. "Oh, nothing..." He started to eat, very fast. But it didn't matter much for us since we are supernatural beings. I sat quietly after finishing my meal. I wasn't the one to over talk like Crowley. "It's so amazing here isn't it?" Crowley says as I nod. "Very" I fold my hands in my lap and look at him. why did he look so sad? I can't take it anymore. "What's wrong, Dear?" I ask. "Oh, its nothing." He quickly stated. "Dear, Dont play that with me I've always and will always know when something is up". Crowley sighed "Its just I've been thinking about our pasts, Before all of this." He stopped briefly. "Before I fell.." He said as he looked to the side. "Before you... Fell?" I ask a little surprised. I didn't know Crowley before then. How would it be Our pasts? "Never mind you wouldn't remember. Not even Gabriel remembers his past." Crowley said in a salty tone. "Dear, Im sure I will remember. Just give me." I said wanting to know more. "NO. You won't. Even if you magically did, when i did tell you. You would probably just leave." Crowley got up and went onto the porch, Saying he was done with talking for a few hours, Or moments. I sigh and sit watching him. I wonder what he is talking about. He should know he can trust me...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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