Past events we shall not bring

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-No one's POV-

The demon was quite sad that the angle forgot about him before the fall, But sure erasing the memory of the fallen was a way to get rid of the made connection between the two. He can't help but remember that day.

Raphael smiled at the other angle that sat next to him, enjoying the night sky. "Did i do good?" He asked in a self-conscious tone. "You did amazing dear!" The angle smiled at him as he pecked his cheek with a little kiss. This made Raphael's face turn completely red. Awhile after the Angle was pulled away to have a talk with the archangels. Where he questioned authority, And why they were not allowing him to see Aziraphale anymore. "Well because You're a horrible influence on him!" They said. "How am I? All I do is ask questions." Raphael stated. "That's it, And you hang around the wrong angles, Raphael." One stated before another add on. "Remeber he's not Raphael anymore." Before the angle knew it he fell. Well more staggered vaguely downward. The next day when the angel was doing his work in eden he ran up to him. "Aziraphale!" He smiled. Aziraphale looked at him with a confused look. "Do I know you?''

Crowley snapped out of it eventually when Aziraphale tapped his shoulder. "Are you alright darling?" The angle asked the demon. Crowley put on a smile and nodded, "Yes im doing alright!'' He said before he finished washing up the dishes and started to make dinner for the two of them. He decided to make a Traditional Russian meal also known as Potato Okroshka. I mean they were in Russia, They couldn't have a Russian meal. He tried his best to focus on cooking, Instead of 'That'...

_*Dont Leave Me...*_ A Ineffable Husbands Fanfiction.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin