Cooler - Plance.

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Lance was twenty two and was given an important job from his friends shiro and keith. Lance was a cop an undercover cop and he was one of the best. He worked along with shiro a normal cop and keith who was also an undercover cop. 

Lance was tall, thin and had a light tan. He had chocolate brown hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes. Lance is more of the idiot type but has a caring heart. He can change a mood in the room with just a smile. The only problem is he flirts a lot and doesn't know how to stop talking sometimes. He got a little bit of a built of muscles since he sometimes have to take down criminals with nothing but his body. 

He got a call from his friend shiro an hour ago telling him to come to his flat and keep an eye on someone. Lance didnt mind but he didnt remember shiro having anyone too you in his family. He started to worry more when he heard keith yelling at someone in the back. Lance walked into the house and found it silent. He called out but nothing until he reached shiro spare room. He found one person hand cuff on the bed. Her hands was handcuff and her legs tired together. 

She was short, with light pale skin. Her eyes was round pretty hazel eyes. Her hazel hair ended by her shoulders. She had cute freckles over her cheeks and noise. Lance noticed her clothes and started to worry a little. She had black tight leggings, a black hoodie with the hood up but showing her face. Round green goggles at the top of hair hoodies and black boots. Now lance wont lie, he found her super hot and yet pure beautiful. 

Now the girl was known as Katie but she went by Pidge. She was twenty one years old. She was a wanted hacker and thief. The only problem was that no one knew her face and could never catch her in the act. She was a shadow that no one could track. She was childhood friends with keith and shiro who was now dating her older brother. The three knew who pidge was since she told them after learning someone who hired her to hack a bank camra planned to kill keith after an inside spy inside the stations grass keith up. No one would believe a girl about such a thing so she told them who she was and saved keith from dying. Since no one could prove who pidge was outside the house they all acted like a normal family. 

She watched as the stranger walked into the room she been tied up in. She watched him slowly walk over while scanning her over with his eyes. She was doing the same and she not gonna like he is handsome. If she didnt have to escape from being tied up so she could hack something she would totally get his number. Who wouldn't want this hot guy standing in front of her. 

"hi" she says with a sweet smile.

"hey" he smiles back.

"you think you could help me" she asked in a soft voice and looked into his eyes.

"depends .. why do you need help" He asked in a gentle voice as he gets lost in her eyes. 

"shiro tied me up once he found out I was trying to sneak out to my boyfriends but he not really my boyfriend he gay" she says with a slight smile.

"then why call him your boyfriend" he asked.

"he scared what his family might think and begged me to act his girlfriend during a family dinner but he plans on telling them tonight ... I need to reach his house before shiro does" she begged and the man couldn't help but let his hands move on their own.

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