Future - Kidge.

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(future pidge = Katie .... normal pidge = pidge).

"so pure and innocent" Katie giggled as she held lance cheeks in her hand making the rest of the team stand back in shock.

"pidge but pidge" Hunk said confused as he turned to the older, tall Katie then his team mate who stood next to him. 

"oh look at you guys, your all so cute like this" Katie giggled. 

"your Katie right" Shiro asked with a small worried smile.

"you guys can just call me Katie and keep oh look i still got the round glasses" Katie smiled brightly and finally let go of lance cheeks. 

"how" Allura just asked.

"sorry but somethings must be kept secret" Katei smiled brightly making the others blush. Katie had grown tall and her longer hair that ended under her shoulders. She no longer wore her round glass's and her face just shined with beauty. She had all the right bumps and curves making her look hot. She was wearing the green paladin armour but it still showed her great body shocking the others and mostly pidge.

"so you can tell us its you but nothing else" Keith asked as he looked the future Katie over.

"something like that" Katie smiled.

"why are you here" Coran asked trying to not ask anything that she wouldn't be able to ask.

"ah well, we got zap with a weapon then we woke up here" Katie smiled while placing a hand on her hip. 

"we" pidge asked and Katie smile grew.

"yep we but he gone to check out a certain room" Katie smiled cheekily.

"yeah she you all right, she got that cheeky smile" Hunk grinned.

"dont forget that sparkle in her eyes" Keith said with a small smile and crossed his arms noticing Katie smirk. 

"hey Katie did you know i got a PHD" lance smirked and placed his arm around Katie as she just crossed her arms while the others in the room rolled their eyes.

"sorry lance but we both know you dont have a pretty huge dick" Katie smirked back making Lance go shock in embarrassment and pulled his arm off her.

"we do" pidge asked with worry.

"you do" Keith said with  frown. 

"dont worry little cute me, its not what you think .. I'm already a married women" Katie smiled softly and lifted up her left hand to show a red ring. 

"congrats" shiro smiled. 

"thanks" Katie smiled kindly.

"so has anyone told you that your a nine and I'm the one you need" Lance said with a flirty grin.

"she mine" a voice growled as they walked into the control room and walked straight over to Katie.

"always" Katie smiled brightly and pulled her husband into a loving kiss before letting him put his arm around her waste as they stood together.

"KEITH" pidge yelled blushing hard. 

"wow, we look so different" Keith grinned as he looked to the others in the room.

"wait so me and pidge m-marry" Keith blushed and the future keith held up his left hand showing a green matching wedding ring to future keith. 

"i knew it" Shiro smirked and crossed his arms.

"word of advice ... dont listen to altean love advice it sucks ... go for it handsome" Katie smirked making the younger keith and pidge go embarrass. 

"be nice, we dont know what year we were taken back too ... we cant have them get together too soon" future keith said with a small smile.

"true, we dont want them missing all the fun times" Katie grinned and keith kissed her cheek.

"yeah it be a shame to miss out on certain things" future keith smirked.

"get a room" hunk chuckled.

"we have" Katie and keith smirked together. 

"OI keith pidgin can you hear us" everyone heard lance voice from the future lovers com. 

"loud and clear" Keith sighed.

"we be bringing you back shorty but not sure if you want to come back to us we a mess" Allura said with worry.

"what happened" Katie asked.

"shiro, lance and hunk been crying for the last hour ... coran went into your lab and  touched a project making it blow up along with himself and well i wanted to try keith training but failed and its on the lose around the ship trying to kill me" Allura said with fear.

"dont touch my stuff" the future lovers yelled. 

"sorry" Coran and allura yelled back.

"K-Katie" Shiro sobbed.

"you guys aren't dead .. sorry we shot you" Hunk cried.

"just zap us back and never play with tec you dont know" Katie sighed.

"but warning we wont show any mercy" Keith warned earing yelps.

"we be bringing back you lovebirds soon ... did you guys have fun" Lance chuckled.

"yeah i got to embarrasses your old self" Katie smirked earning a yelp from the young lance.

"hey" the young paladins all yelled.

"is that me" Future hunk yelled excited.

"we sound so young" shiro grinned.

"we be zapping you back in a minute" Coran yelled over the other future self.

"well it was nice seeing all your cute faces again" Katie smiled.

"lance dont ever try flirting with my wife again or i come back in time once more to break your bones" future keith warned before wrapping his arms around his wife.

"oh be nice, your flirts are way more sexy then his harmless ones" Katie giggled and the two started to fade away while kissing. 

"Married" Shiro smirked as he turned to pidge and keith.

"husband" Pidge mumble

"wife" keith mumble. 

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