Chapter 5

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"Okay. To make it short: After Josh and I climbed up to the first platform I got a huge panic attack and one of the employees had to climb up there and get me down...

I was so embarrassed I think this was the worst day of my li- HEY CAN YOU STOP LAUGHING?!"

I was lying on my bed an hour after the little incident, Face Timing with Max who laughed at me. Very hard...he was actually crying...I just love him you know...

„I'm sorry!" Max answered and wiped away the tears in his eyes when a push notification on my phone caught my attention.

Hey! There is this party at my friends today? You wanna come? 😋

OMG." I gasped.

„What?" Max answered.

„Josh just asked my if I wanna go to one of his friends party's today? What?!"

"AND YOU BETTER SAY YES YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Max shouted excitedly whilst his eyes grew bigger and bigger.

"Max you know I have social anxiety right?! And I probably know nobody there except for Josh who will be with his boys all the time and..and why did he even ask me?! He's probably just feeling sorry for the climbing incident...oh my god...what am I supposed to do now?!"

To be honest I was thinking out loud at this point but I was confused and over strained as fuck. I mean ?????

"Calm down cutie." I heard Maxs voice "You'll be fine. Go get up, take a shower, wear something nice and go out with your hot personal trainer I'm pretty sure you'll have fun! From what you told me so far hes very nice. And if you're not feeling it you can go every time. I can fake an emergency call hun."

I had to smile a little. I love whenever Max calls me hun. The one thing I haven't told you about Max is that he is my crush. Since we met each other online he's my you-live-way-too-far-away-for-a-real-relationship-but-i-love-you-more-than-life-itself-crush.

He just really gets me. We have the same humor, he knows me better than I do and he always makes me smile. I mean this conversation just now it's the best example of what a precious human being he is?!

And what can I say. I did as he ordered. I took a shower, I put on a pair of black pants and a nice shirt and even did my hair a little. It's hard to make my curls look somehow decent but I think today I nailed it!

I put on my favorite pairs of Vans and what can I say. I don't even look that bad and feel kind of comfortable?! And the best part is: I bought a very cute jacket a few years ago which after a while didn't fit me anymore. But now it fits again and damn. This was such a confident boost I didn't even recognize myself anymore?!

But as confident I was right now..meeting up with Josh not for sports made me really nervous...mainly because I have to talk to other people I don't know and yeah...I don't do parties...and social stuff.

It was 8pm when the Bell rang. I went to the little monitor to see that Josh is standing in front of my door. My mom was apparently faster than I and I heard her talking to Josh.

"Joooooosh is here!" I heard her voice echoing through the house.

"Coooming!" I answered and took a deep breath. I mean it's just a party right? I can do it...

Through thick and thin - BxBNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ