Chapter 6

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I was so nervous when walking down the stairs where Josh and my mom were waiting for me. I felt like all these girls in those random teen romcoms who walk down the stairs in slow motion  wearing their cute dresses, looking like faires or whatever and their prom dates are just standing there drooling and wondering why she suddenly looks so good even though she only got rid of her glasses...but whatever.

"You didn't tell me you're going to a party tonight!" my mom said surprised but with a smile on her face.

"Yeah it was...spontaneous." I answered "Will be 12?" I looked over to Josh who nodded "Yeah I will bring him home safe!".

My mom just laughed. "It's Saturday night you can party as long as you want. Just call me and I will pick you two up! I don't care how late...or early." she winked at me. 

That's actually one of the benefits of my parents. They are super chill. And tbh I think my mom is just happy that I do things like going to parties...and be a "normal" Teenager. And since were German- drinking at the age of 16 is not that big of a deal. As soon as you turn 16 you can buy beer and wine and basically every alcohol except the hard stuff. That's why I think it's super cute that all these Americans get drunk after 1 beer and feel so special about drinking. My German cousins and I got almost blackout drunk at my cousins 16th birthday...I was 15 back then. 

This was also the night I decided that I don't really need alcohol in my life...after throwing up....a lot. 

"Thanks Mom." I smiled a little and left the house. 

"Your parents are so cool can they please adopt me?!" Josh grinned at me and started the engine of his car.

I lost myself for a second in his eyes before I chuckled a little. "Yeah they're cool...sometimes. It's just normal in Germany for 16+ year olds to go out and drink and stuff." 

"German? You guys are German?" Josh seemed surprised. 

"Yeah. My parents are both German. We moved here when I was three." 

"Ohhh whaaat? That's crazy I didn't know that? I thought you guys were British or something?!"

I had to laugh and answered with the MOST German accent "Does this sound British to you?"

Josh laughed too and turned the radio a little louder. I recognized the song from like 114 different TikToks Max sent me the last 2 days of best friends kissing. It was Make You Mine by PUBLIC. 

Josh hummed a little which made me smile for a second before I was thinking about how Josh probably has a beautiful girl in his mind right now...unfair. 

But nevertheless: I noticed how good he was looking today...I mean he always looks good. But I think I've never seen him in anything else than sport clothing before. Even in school I usually see him wearing his football jacket. 

But today he was wearing a black pair of pants, a white T-Shirt and a khaki flannel shirt. He wore the shirt open, with the sleeves rolled up. In his ear his little golden ring and his blonde hair looked styled and not styled at the same time and no I don't know how this  is even possible. 


Josh parked the car in front of the house. You could already hear the party from outside and tbh I wasn't so sure if I'm ready for this. I don't know anybody in there, I probably don't even like anyone in there and I gave up my movie night with Max for hanging out with a bunch of dumb teenagers and Josh?! And since Josh is already 18 the people in there will be so much older and ???

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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