Chapter 12

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*Lukes POV*

"No seriously, who is she?" The interviewer asked for the 5th time.

"She's just a friend!" I said in frustration.

"Okay, moving on." He sighed.

*Taylors POV*

"Umm.. I'm taylor? I'm the boys friends?" I said to the man standing in front of me.

"Paul." He said. I nodded, unsure what to do. The boys walked in. Thank god. Luke took a seat by me.

"Ohh I see." Paul smirked.

"Huh" Luke asked innocently.

"It is real!" Paul said clapping. I looked at him confused.

"People have been saying has a pretty girlfriend and well, Uh." Paul said pointing to me. I blushed.

"We're not dating paul.." Luke laughed.

"Yet" He smiled.

"Anyways, how was the interview?" He asked no on in general.

"It was kind of boring, but anything for the fans." Michael said.

"Aw your such a cute little kitten!" I cooed ruffling his hair.

"I am not a kitten, I'm punk rock."He said rolling his eyes. I just laughed.

"To the boys house!" Paul said walking out.

"You can take me home" I smiled.

"What? It's only 5?" Luke said.

"Luke, I work tomorrow," I sighed.

"You go to bed at 5?" He laughed.

"Noo, but I need to eat, then I already showered but I have to do other things then I go to bed." I said.

"How far is your home?" Luke asked as we got in the car we had 'alone' apparently because we had no room.

"If you guys don't want to drop me off or something, I can walk. I usually do." I said giving him a thumbs up.

"No, I'm just asking" He said.

"From this place? I have no idea, I don't even know where this is." I said.

"From our house,"

"Like 15 minutes, I can walk." I said.

"Address?" Luke asked.

"Stop being porn!" I swatted his arm.

"I love her!" He yelled.

"You watch Miranda sings?" I asked In disbelief.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Taylor." Luke said.

"Vice Versa." I said.

"Well, I guess I'll have to find that stuff out right?" Luke said.

"That's if we ever see eachother again." I sighed putting my head down.

"Woah, what do you mean 'if?" Luke asked.

"Yeah. I'm the target girl, and your the famous singer in a band that's touring with one direction in a month." I said.

"Taylor, I don't care if your a target employee, I think your funny, and nice. I like you like that, regardless of being the target girl. That doesn't mean we can't text and hang out before that though." Luke said. I blushed. Boy, I do that a lot around luke.

"Your right" I sighed.

"Phone and address." Luke demanded. I gave him my phone and he gave me his. I put myself as 'Taylor🌼💞' He smiled as he gave me my phone. I rolled my eyes at his contact name. 'Sexy Luke😏💦👅'

"Really?" I chuckled.

"It's true, isn't it?" Luke said.

"My mom told me never to lie, so I rather not say anything!" I smirked. Luke laughed. That adorable laugh, may I add.

"It's, 16809 Suck my ass road" I told luke. He started laughing so much his face was red. Ir looked like he was choking.

"Luke-Are-you-okay?" I coughed out. Man I was laughing hard too.

"Okay I'm good." He said.

"It's 16809 Lemon St." I said. He nodded telling the man that was driving.

*Lukes POV*

God, Taylor was amazing. Luke you need to stop right now. It's not possible to 'like' her because I just met her, but hey my heart works in mysterious ways. She was just so, different.

"This is it." Jimmy said.


I got off the car and ran to Taylors side. I was about to open the door, when it swung open making me fall back. I heard taylor gasp.

"Luke! Are you okay?!" She asked getting out of the car so fast, she tripped on my leg and fell right beside me.

"Oof." Was all I heard from taylor.

"Are you okay?!" I asked panicked. Taylor wouldn't answer. Just when I was about to check, I heard her little giggle. I laid back down and laughed along.

"Your an idiot." Taylor said.

"Me? Your the one that tripped on me!" I laughed.

"Fine, were both idiots!" She said laughing. I stood up and helped her get up. She dusted her clothes off.

"I'll walk you." I said. She nodded. We started walking to her house door. She turned towards me and engulfed me in a hug, it threw me off guard. I returned the gesture.

"Luke, today was the happiest I have been in a long time. Thank you for throwing that cupcake at me." Taylor said smiling.

"Same, Taylor, Same. Anytime! It was my pleasure." I smirked.

"I'll see you,i don't know when but I'll see you when I see ya!" She waved walking in. I grinned walking back to the car. I got in and sat.

"You so like her luke."

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