Chapter 19

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*Taylors POV*

When I woke up, luke was asleep. I sighed.

"I'm awake" A voice whispered making me jump. It was calum.

"Scare me again, and you will walk out with no hands." I smiled. He chuckled.

"So are you excited?" He asked.

"Me? Your the one touring with millions of fans!" I said.

"I know, but still." He said with a cheesy grin.

"we're here." The driver said. I heard screams. I shook 'Mashton' They both woke up. I then started shaking Luke. It took me 5 times, but he woke up. They all got their stuff and I already mine.

'Who's that'

'Do they have a girlfriend?'

'Isn't that the taylor girl?'

'That's my best friend!'. I gasped turning, and saw none other but Lauren. I ran to her and hugged her.

"It feels like forever!" I sighed.

"I know right!"

"Where's your mom?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later! Luke seems impatient for you!" She laughed. I pulled her arm and ran trough the crowd. Luke following.

"Luke this is my best friend, Lauren and Lauren this is Luke." I said.

"Hi Lauren." He smiled.

"Hi!" She cooed. I laughed.

"Follow us," Luke said going up with the boys. I nodded.

"So, where's your mom?" i asked.

"Um.. I may or may have not snuck out?" Lauren said. I gasped laughing.

"Yeah I'm so gonna die when I go back home." She said shrugging.

"Unless you stay?" I asked.

"But, I'm a girl?" She questioned.

"So? I asked.

"Well, isn't it like a manager band code that the boys can't have girls unless it's their girlfriend." Lauren said.

"I can ask luke, come on." I said catching up to the boys.

(Blake lively plays Lauren bc y not?)

"Luke!" I yelled. They all stopped and turned.

"Who's this?" The boys asked.

"fuck" I mumbled. Lauren ran into the bathroom.

"Is there a band code that, girls can't be on the bus with you guys unless, their your girlfriend?" I asked. Luke sighed.

"Yeah, they think we won't focus on music." He said. I nodded.

"You told them i was your girlfriend?" I asked. He nodded blushing. I blushed as well.

"Where do I go? I need to go to the bathroom." I said.

"The bathrooms right there, and room is straight to your left." He smiled walking away. I nodded running in the bathroom.

"I'll have to go home." Lauren said.

"Not unless.." I said.

"Oh god no, please tell me this isn't one of your ideas that usually is good but then fails?" Lauren asked sighing. I smirked.

"Sorry 'bout it." I cheered.

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