Chapter 41

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"That show was amazing!" Luke chirped.

"You guys did so good." I complimented.

"Thanks, I feel like it's the best one yet." He gleamed. I looked to my right and Lauren, And Michael were practically swallowing each other's faces. I looked at luke with a stank face.

"I find it absolutely hilarious how michael has gotten more action than you and taylor." Ashton said. Luke scoffed.

"Not true! I can get action whenever I want to." He said.

"Oh!" Calum said laughing. My eyes widened.

"And from who exactly?" I asked putting my hand on my hip. Luke looked at me then to ashton.

"So, what I'm implying is that you want 'action' from taylor and ashton." Calum said.

"You can get all the action you want from ashton but sorry, you aren't getting whatever action you guys are talking about from me." I winked.

"Sorry dude, it's a no from me to." Ashton giggled.

"Taylor, I do not want some with ashton!" Luke shouted. I started laughing and walked down the hall.

"Hey! Taylor!" Michael shouted catching up with me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I have to ask you something about lauren." He said. I nodded slowly.

"Is it alright to have sex with her?" He flat out asked. My jaw dropped.

"Why the hell are you asking me, o my god I'm traumatized!" I said.

"Well when I'm not going to ask her dad." Michael said rolling his eyes.

"I mean I guess, if you guys are comfortable..." I mumbled.

"Thanks Tay!" By the way don't tell luke but he's asking you out tonight." Michael said skipping away. A small smile formed on my face. I opened the door, to walk out.

"Hey sugarboo." Luke told me appearing out of no where.

"Geez you scared me!" I said.

"I brought skateboards." He grinned.

"You know, I actually came out here for a walk...but, I guess I'll skateboard with you." I teased.

"Laylor is over here!" A girl yelled. I looked up, and a swarm of girls surrounded us.

"Oh shit." Luke whispered.


"Luke can we take a picture?"

"Luke can you sign this!"

"I love you so much!"

Luke was getting mobbed, and I felt so bad.

"Guys, don't mob him.. I understand you all want to meet him but just please don't-" A girl cut me off.

"Please move out the way. You are not the boss of any of us." She snapped at me.

"Yeah, I get that. And I also get that you don't have to mob some one." I said a little more sassily. He was being pushed, pulled and whatever you can think of.

"Where the hell is security?" I asked no one.

"If you want to protect him so much, why don't you protect him huh?" The girl asked pointing her finger. I rolled my eyes.

"I will." I said running past all of them and grabbing luke. I pulled him back onto the tourbus. I slammed the door shut.

"Are you alright?!" I asked sitting by him.

"This wasn't even bad compared to what they did to our mums." He sighed. Liz went home a few weeks ago because she had stuff to do back in Australia. I sighed.

"That's crazy, I hope their alright. Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded chuckling.

"Hey, thanks for pulling me out when you could." He smiled.

"Yeah no worries. I thought security would've came out." I said.

"I feel bad for when the other boys walk out." I said.

"Nah, security will walk them out. They didn't walk me out because I lied and said I was going straight to the tourbus." Luke laughed.

"Which is where we ended up." I said giggling. We looked right at each other, we were leaning in, and I swear we almost would've kissed. When the door opens, making luke push me off the couch. All the boys were smirking, except lauren. She gasped.

"Oh my god taylor, I am so sorry!" Luke yelled panic in his voice. He was all blushing. I stood up.

"It's okay." I muttered bitterly.


I honestly do not see what I did wrong, but taylor has not talked to me since earlier when I pushed her. If she does, it's just mumbling. Everyone was in deprecate places, But we were both sitting on the couch. She was here first but still.

"Cut the jig Taylor Anne Mitchell." I said.

"What jig?" She asked plainly.

"This whole ignoring me thing." I said. She let out a big sigh.

"Luke, in going to tell you what's up. You cannot interrupt me, until I finish." Taylor said sternly. I nodded for her to continue.

"I like you a lot Luke. You make me happy, and I don't know. Whenever I'm around you, I don't get butterflies. I always have like anxiety or feel like I'm going to poop my pants which probably ruined the moment but." She said stopping to laugh. I chuckled as well.

"Anyways, I know you've said you like me as well. I've never had a boyfriend, so I've never had experience with dating and stuff. Im almost going to be 19, and I feel like I'm just waiting for something that's never going to happen." She said looking down.

"Wha-" She cut me off.

"I'm not done. Im almost 19, and I want a boyfriend. Yeah, there's a lot of people who haven't had one but I want to have that experience. I want to be in love. I want someone to like me and not just say it just to. Should I give up on you luke? Because as of now I'm just waiting on you to want me. Not sexually like Michael would think, but want me, in a loving way. If you don't luke, I need to know because I'm tired of waiting." Taylor said looking at me. My eyes scanned around the room not saying a word. I honestly didn't know what to say. I was astonished. Of course I liked Taylor. A lot to. I just have a huge fear of rejection.

"Nothing?" She asked standing up. I fiddled with my fingers looking down.

"Unbelievable." She scoffed.

"What do you want me to say?!" I yelled throwing my arms up. Taylor sighed shaking her head.

"Nothing. I should've expected for you to say nothing." She said her eyes glossy, storming out of the tourbus.

"You fucked up bro." Calum said sitting by me.

"Very." Ashton said sitting by calum.

"She was perfect for you, now she's gone." Michael said plopping next to me.

"I hope you know, I will cut your balls off and ship them to you." Lauren snapped walking out the tourbus.

"Luke why-" I cut my Michael off.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you guys, I do not deserve her. Thats why I'm pulling myself away from her." I mumbled walking into the bathroom.


so basically, this book is almost coming to an end possible going to end at 50,54? idk yet, and I was going to make a sad ending then a sequel but instead I'm going to make a happy ending and just an epilogue :)

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