Mythical Nations AU

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A selected few nations and their 2ps are mythical creatures. Here, I will be telling you, the reader of this book, which nations and what mythical creatures they are. I will also tell physical features and personality changes if their personality changes. I'll leave what they wear up to you.

Veneziano - Pure and Ice demon. His skin is pure white and his auburn hair will have blue streaks in it. He has a scar going from his forehead to his left cheek directly over the eye from a certain place. His eyes have no irises and are fully a light buttercup gold color. Has white horns, a halo, white and gold wings that aren't attached to his back His personality is childish but VERY DEADLY. Rank: Leader of the Ice Demons

England - A water nymph that was raised by a dragon and unicorn. Female. Almost obsidian black skin. Tattoos that represents Poseidon. Light blonde hair with bear ears and pastel green eyes rimmed with aqua green and pure black sclera. On her one shoulder she has a tattoo of a female dragon and on her other shoulder she has a tattoo of a male unicorn. Personality is playful but can be serious. Rank: Commander of Water Nymphs

Prussia - Warlock Demon. Everything is the same except the sclera of his eyes is black and he has demon horns, wings, and tail. His personality is serious with the occasional jokes. Rank: Leading General of Warlock Demons.

Romano - Fire demon. Basically the same but he has dark red streaks in his hair and it has a black fade. Sclera of his eyes are black. Has demon horns, wings, and tail. Personality: Laid back but can kick serious a**. Rank: Leader of Fire Demons.

HRE - Fallen Angel. Messy black hair with grey tips and blonde fade. Full on sky blue eyes. Looks scrawny but is very strong. Personality: Great leader and will hit anyone with a book if embarassed. He also loves Veneziano like a sibling and won't be his lover again because he doesn't want Veneziano to go through so much pain if he disappeared for a long time again. Rank: Commander

Canada - Angel. Everything is the same about him but he has angel wings and a halo and is noticed more. Rank: Spy

Japan - Aura. Has rainbow tips in hair. Rainbow pupils. Skin has a black tint. I haven't thought that much in his design yet. Personality: Shows emotions more and is an empath. Rank: Spy Edit: He also has a rainbow aura around him that changes color depending on the stronger emotion and he has claw like fingers.

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