Mission 011

19 5 0

Ps: The date still goes on..

" And your mom?". I asked as his face changed.

" If you don't want to talk about her,it's fine". I said.

" Another day". He said.

" Sure..now lighten up ". I said sipping my yoghurt.

He smiled," You get me".

" You know am glad we actually met today I needed to take my minds from something ".

" I should also feel honoured that am with Xaria Gunter and am not dead,I heard you gave Lucas a scar". He said.

" You heard?".

" Am in the military remember, don't worry am not a threat to you or the orb,I do not have its shelter,am still a lieutenant it'll take like 7 years".

" Actually 10". I said and he laughed.

" I was wondering why you came alone but I think your bodyguard is digging holes at my face with his glares.

I turned to see Donovan, " He followed me,that's my younger father ". I said aloud so that he can hear me.

Dexter's phone rang..

" Excuse me". He stood up and moved a little to make his call as my phone vibrated.

Hazel: How's it going?...

Me: Fine...

Hazel: Don't leave without Donovan again,he's only doing his job..

Me: I know but it's annoying...

Hazel: I know that but maybe there's something more,just understand him a little bit more..

Me: We will obviously start talking soon,our relationship is weird..

Hazel: Why are you texting me on your date?..

Me: He's on a call...

Hazel: OK later love..

Me: yh...

I put my phone back in my pockets as I stared at Dexter as he ran his hands along his hair probably frustrated..

" Don't do it..... I said don't... Could you fucking wait?!....Trust me.....Don't call me again". He ran his hands through his hair frustratingly, he sighed and then glanced at me.

Who was he talking to??..

"Am sorry ". He walked back to the table sipping his lemonade.

" Are you okay?... I can talk to that person with my fist". I said trying to lighten up the mood.

" You want to beat my sister up?". He said in between laughter.

" I didn't know..sorry". I sipped my yoghurt as he stared at me.

His blue eyes were really making me uncomfortable...

I stepped on his feet harder as he groaned earning weird stares from the people all around.

" Really?... Why?". He looked at me.

" You were eye-raping me,Mister ". I said as he chuckled.

" I can't help it". He said.

" I have to leave now ". I dropped my empty glass of yoghurt.

" Uhm....Can I have your number?". He asked.

I hummed a ' yes' as he gave me his phone to input my number. As I was  inputting my number,he picked his  handkerchief to wipe my mouth.

I gave him a questioning look...

" You..um...had a yoghurt moustache ". He stammered.

" You could have just said it". I gave him his phone standing up.

" See you again Faye". He stretched his hands to me as I hooked it..

" You too Dexter ". I said and walked out of the place as I heard Donovan footsteps at my back..

Another epic drama with my' personal bodyguard'.

I opened my car about to enter before Donovan held my hands.

" Oh...Christ... What is it?". I turned to him

" Enter my car". He said.

" Donovan, I brought this car here...I have to take it back ". I said.

" You were followed and am doing my job, if you don't want me calling Sergeant about your new friend ,you better follow me?".

" So you're threatening me.....Oh....Now listen Miller!.. One day you'll be out of my neck for good and Sergeant will learn to accept Dexter as my new friend because he has no parents from the military, he doesn't need the fucking orb and he's not luring me into any trap"...

" Am not saying I trust him yet,am just saying  that he's clean for now.. So just leave me okay?". I half yelled.

" What's with the sudden change of attitudes, is it because of what Hazel says,because am not seeing you in that way?". He asked.

" Hazel says?.. Bullshit....Seeing me in that way?.. Flipping bullshit....I don't see you in that way neither do you see me in that way...We kissed twice and it's a mistake, get it straight!". I opened the car about entering before he held my arms again.

" Sorry ". He said.

" What for Donovan? ". I groaned.

" For anything that I may have said to hurt you..I just like you as Xaria Gunter,I....I...am just here to be your personal bodyguard ".

I stared at him as he spoke,can't those damn neutral eyes of his see through me?....The kiss was obviously not a mistake to me....I like him but maybe it's actually time to realize he's not mine,maybe it's time to bury this Hazel idea,he doesn't have feelings for me,he's just Donovan Miller Dimitri, my ' personal bodyguard '.

" Xaria watch out! ".Donovan pulled me out of my thoughts as he pulled me away from the car  as Hazel's car lit up in flames, I just stared at where  Donovan pushed me to,I was on top of him,our bodies were so close...I looked at his see of neutral dark eyes and his beautiful lashes and then I looked back at Hazel's car..

OK time's up, how can my life be normal??..How do I deal with my crush and that Orb stealer and Hazel's car ??..
One thing I know is that being Xaria Gunter, I have to catch that idiot!!..

Donovan cleared his throat once again pulling me from my thoughts.. And that's when I realize that I was still on him..

" Sorry ". I bit my lip in embarrassment standing up as I gave him a hand which he accepted.

" And that's why I told you to follow my car ". Donovan said.

" That's Hazel baby". I said referring to the car.

" So who did you see?". I said putting a more serious face...

" Either Twain or that mask girl... It could be anyone as far as their aim is the Orb". He said.

" Let's go ". I said walking to his car.

" We're good?". He asked.

" Yeah". I smiled entering the car.

+Who questions+
Who's this mask Lady??...
Who did that to the car?...
Who just loves Dexter and
Who's shipping them?..
Who loves Donovan and Xaria? and
Who will help sail their ship?...
Who prefers Faye act to Xaria acts?..

Fill in my comment box with what you think,I love to hear your thoughts.

V o t e and C o m m e n t...

Teaser for next chapter:  More twain,more action less Dexter...

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