Chapter 3

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Jungkook takes you around school, your hands still clasped together. A lot of people are staring at him, I notice.
"Jungkook, are you popular?" I blurt out without thinking. He laughs and grins at me.
"I love curious girls. And also, you could say that." He winks at me and I melt.

When I walk through the hallway, I trip and I fall. Jungkook, who had fast reflexes, managed to grab on to me around the waist just before I fell.

As I opened my eyes, I saw his arm muscles bulging in front of me, and I quickly refocus my gaze on his deep brown eyes.

I realize, that I had been staring too long at his arms, for he had noticed and went a deep shade of red.
"So I see that you're also clumsy." He laughs underneath his breath and whispers, "God, you're cute." Now it was my turn to turn red.

He finished the tour just as the bell went for our first class. Biology. It was my favorite subject, and it was Jungkook's too. We headed together, hand in hand and took a seat.

The teacher starts explaining about DNA and its structure.
"Does anybody know what DNA stands for?" He quizzes. I knew. But why was nobody answering? Then, he looks at me. "Ah, Skylar, our new student. Do you know what DNA stands for?"

I hear the students around me snicker and then suddenly stop. Jungkook glared at them, I realize.

"Yes, Mr. Greenwood. DNA stands for dioxyribonucleic acids." I say, my hands shaking. I look at him and I see the faces of shock around me.
"Th- that's right!" Mr. Greenwood stutters.

I smile nervously and I look at Jungkook, who has a look of amazement on his face.
"Damn, girl. You're smart too?" He says, turning back around. I turn beet-red and I was thankful he didn't see.

When biology finishes, Jungkook takes my hand once and a in and leads me out of the class.
"Why do you always hold my hand?" I ask, laughing. He fake-frowns and pouts.
"Don't you like it?" He says with puppy eyes. My heart skips a beat and my legs start to feel weak. All I can say without stuttering is,
"I didn't say that!"

We go to our next class, art, and the teacher is absent.
"That sucks. Mrs. Avery is such a nice woman." The substitute teacher tells us to paint a painting of someone.

I look at Jungkook, and he looks up, our eyes meeting. We already know our intentions. He brings his easel and his canvas over and sits down and smiles at me.

"You're the only person I ever want to paint. You're so beautiful." He says, his eyes locking with mine and we both blush.
"Hey, that goes for you too!" I laugh shyly.

When he finishes, the painting truly is a work of art.
"You're an amazing painter!" I gaze over the light strokes he used to paint my face and I look back at him. I don't know what's prettier, the painting or him.

He poses sillily as I try to paint him, making sure to add shadows in the right places. I think of earlier, when his arm muscles bugled as he caught me, and I give him a sneaky look and add that in.

As I paint the last details. I stand back, satisfied. Jungkook comes over and his mouth hangs open.
"This is amazing- hey! What's that?" He pouts, pointing at his arms. I laugh so hard I start to fall again.

He grabs my wrist and steadies me, smiling at the same time. I find my eyes falling upon his arms once again and I blush, embarrassed.

Our eyes meet and I feel something. Deep inside my chest. I think I'm falling for him.

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