Chapter 24

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"So that means we're officially dating?" Jimin jumps up and down in excitement. I laugh at his antics and nod.
"You could say that..." He grabs my face in between his hands and he kisses me. His hand reaches into his pocket and he pulls out the ring.

I gasp audibly.
"May I?" I nod, tears in my eyes. He slides the ring on my finger and everyone in the hallway just stares at us. Jimin pulls me in for a kiss and I see he's crying too.

We walk to class, my heart beating and there's Jungkook, flirting with Sydney, and my heart warms. I grab Jimin's hand and squeeze it. We sit next to them and Jungkook looks at my hand. I got scared and looked at Jimin. But to my surprise, they nod at each other.

After school, we go to a new diner. It's 5 minutes away from Jimin's house. We order milkshakes and I look at Sydney. She returns my gaze and smiles.
"Jungkook's an amazing guy. You two are gonna be happy together." I grab her and and nod.

Jimin and I say goodbye to them and we jump into his car.
"I can't believe I can do this whenever I want now." Jimin smiles.
"Do what?" Confusion floods my head. He leans towards me and kisses me. "Oh, that." I laugh. We speed off to his house.

We arrive and once again, he helps me out if the car and opens the door for me without fail. He chases me to his bedroom, where we jump onto, worn out. I sit on him, trying to keep him down, but he easily lifts me.

He stares into my eyes and kisses the tip of my nose. I pull his tie so that his face comes near and I bite his lip, just like in the hospital. He moves his face forward so that I can no longer bite his lip and he kisses me, more and more passionately every second.

When we pull apart, I smirk.
"I can't wait for you to meet my parents." He takes the hint and rolls his eyes. He kisses me once again and lifts me up. He pushes me against the wall. All of it reminded me of our encounter in the hospital.

15 minutes later, he mumbles into my neck, covered in hickeys,
"Thank god you picked me." He starts biting my neck over and over again. "I don't think I can ever live without you." I hear desperation in his voice.

I unbutton his shirt and push him onto the bed. His eyes open wide in shock, and I begin to bite and suck on his collarbones. He moans quietly, and I crawl onto him, and I start kissing him, which turns into making out.

His hands run down my legs and stop behind my knees, he sits up and pulls my legs around him, his lips never leaving mine.
"Skye? Your mom is gonna hate me for this." He smiles devilishly at me.
"For what?" He pulls something out of his pocket and I smirk. "Yes. Yes she is."


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